This should be called Silent Saturday. It is the above item that is going to get me through my first week on Weight Watchers. This awesome zero point soup!! It's actually more like 1 point when you calculate it, but heck, if WW calls it zero, I'll go with that. When one starts out on WW, they typically encourage you to make the zero point soup from their recipe. I have done that in the past and kept a big pot of it nearby so I don't starve. Honestly, the first week is rough. Always. I am not used to being hungry. But you get past it and then you're not hungry anymore. It's pretty much like going through withdrawals.
Anyhoo - they now have this awesome Progresso soup, so you don't have to sit and slave over a pot of soup all day. I don't have time for that, so this is a godsend. Just pop it in the micro and there it is. It's actually not that bad, either. Oh and they sell it by the case at Costco, so even better!
Second favorite thing? The Weight Watchers breakfast sandwiches. I prefer the candian bacon one. It's a great way for me to start the morning, although I don't always want to spend 4 points. Still, it keeps you full much longer than yogurt or cereal, in my opinion.
My 3rd favorite thing? Fiber One Bars. They are awesome and only 2 points!! Much better and larger than Kudos or the WW bars (which are higher in points!)
Ooooh, thanks for posting this! I'm headed the grocery store and I think I'll pick up some of those Fiber One bars!
Those Fiber One bars are delish. I agree completely. I am going to buy the soup and the breakfast sandwiches for sure...they look awesome. (Maybe I'll even go on WW!) Thanks for the tip!
Boy do I need to jump on this with you. How many points do you get (email me)? Wonder how many I would get? Is there an easy way to figure them? (Obviously I am not really wanting to go to WW meetings, just horn in on your dieting experience.) Good luck to ya.
Oh yeah and I'm pretty sure they have the Fiber One bars at Coscto as well!
Oh, are on to award #2 on my blog. :)
Yes, totally love the breakfast sandwiches. I have a stock in my freezer.
The Fiber One bars are YUMMY, but wreck my tummy. sigh!
Oh yeah, those soups are what I live on during the week for lunch!
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