1. Today was my first weigh on Weight Watchers. I lost 4.6 lbs! Woo hoo! It's a start. I have a long way to go, but it's a start.
2. Over the past 3 days, it's taken every bit of free time and leftover mental capacity to polish my resume and create cover letters for 3 jobs. MY goal was to send out 3 resumes this week and I did accomplish that lofty goal. My boss now knows what my plan is and has been unbelievably supportive. Not to get all overly zen or anything, but I feel like I am just following the current and letting it lead me where I need to be.
3. I ran into a mom-friend at Sofia's preschool this week. Her daughter is in Sofia's class and she just gave birth. I've seen her husband around a few times and he's always (as only a man could) assured me that things are going quite well. When mom-friend saw me, she started waving her hands from the twins to Sofia and back to the twins and saying "Wow, just. Wow." For a second, I had no idea what she was saying. She went on to tell me what a miserable time she was having and I thought she was going to burst into tears. She said she wasn't sure how I had done it and I assured her, I wasn't quite sure myself. I now feel I would like to do something to help her. Not sure what yet, but something.
4. I feel like I am living in the paleolithic era in my house. My boys lack of communication skills is reaching a critical stage. They are tantruming more and more, throwing food, acting out with each other, etc. I realize a lot of this is 2 year old boy behavior, but I'm beginning to think I have 2 rabble rousers on my hand. I am not naive enough to think I've seen the worst of it - in fact, I'm sure it will get much worse before it gets better - but for those of you out there who have Irish Triplets, Irish Quads, Sextuplets, etc. please throw me a bone. Tell me they are displaying normal twin boy behavior. Tell me it will get easier. Lie to me if necessary.
6. At today's WW weigh in, there was a mom in line hehind me trying to juggle her 18 month old and 2 month old (she told me she also has a 3 yr old in school.) She looked a little frazzled as all the octagenarians were ogling her kids. Then, one of them said something along the lines of "Oh, this part isn't the hard part, that's yet to come" or something equally as ignorant.
I bit my lip for a second and then piped in. "Honestly, I think it depends on the spacing of the children. I know people say the teenage years are hard, but having 2 or 3 babies at once is no walk in the park either."
I don't think they knew how to respond, but I didn't care. I needed to get that off my chest.
7. My goal for the weekend is to make some sort of menu plan for next week. We are having 2 couples over for dinner on Saturday night (next) and I'm mildly freaking out over it. Both of the moms are big mucky mucks in their jobs with their husbands playing the role of SAHD. They're warm and down to earth, but still very intimidating to little old me. I'm beginning to think I was insane to try and pull this off. Why do I torture myself? I am fairly certain that I'm going to have the dinner catered (Pasta Pomodoro or Macaroni Grill) as there is a minute chance that I'll have the time or aptitude to prepare a dinner the way it should be. If I was a better person, I'd be online looking for money saving recipes and ways to save money. But I don't wanna.
Congrats on the weight loss!!
The weight loss is AWESOME. Wow.
On the twins, I am being perfectly honest when I say I think your boys are being normal. And it will stop. (And then start again, and then stop again...)
What we are doing is very different from what families with singletons, or reasonably spaced pregnancies, are doing. My kids, at 6, 4, 4, and 2, are unbelievably easy now compared to 2-3 years ago. I am sure the teenage years are hard but it's not at all helpful for moms like us to hear that right now. I'm glad you said something back to the WW ladies.
I'm not there yet, but I think your boys are just being normal 2 year old twins.
I'm reading a book right now (ha ha, as if we really have time to READ! Does 2 pages at a time count?) Called Raising Twins and it's really good. The section I'm reading right now is about language delays in twins, and it's already mentioned that the delay is even more pronounced in boy/boy twins than any other combo.
As for your dinner, have you checked out Pioneer Woman yet? Most of her recipes are amazingly delicious and SIMPLE! You could totally do it! :) Just check out her site and find some inspiration. :)
Question...exactly how much do your boys talk? While I agree that they are totally being normal, using some simple signs might help. Let me know if you want some links! I taught L to sign around 1 and he still uses a few. I have taught lots of my clients ages 0-3 to sign and it really helps them start talking. Good luck!
Congrats on the weight loss! Stellar!!!
I hear you on the twins. I swear my girls say NOTHING. Oh they babble all the time. ALL the time!! But words. Nothing I can tell. I use to say take the baby and give them back to me when they are one. I'm revising that . . . take the baby and give them back to me when they can COMMUNICATE!!! argh!!!!
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