So, yeah. A friend of mine brought us a near life sized stuffed lion, a la, Chronicles of Narnia as a gift to the kids. They attempted to give this to Sofia at Christmas, but Sofia was adamant that she didn't want the stuffed lion coming home with us. At the time, I was secretly thrilled as the last thing I need in my 1100 sq ft house is a life sized stuffed lion.
Surprisingly, when they brought it over the other day (and after the brothers started climbing it, pulverizing it and destroying it in general) Sofia loved the lion, wanted to keep it and it was hers, only hers and NO ONE else's.
You can see said lion in the background of this photo.

I worked a long day yesterday. Almost 10 hours. When I got home, I was tired. I was cranky. I was not a happy camper when I saw the loads of laundry laying unwashed in the garage. My husband was home, the kids were in daycare, there were NO excuses. So, I blew up. I then proceeded to take a shower, letting him put the kids to bed, thinking it would be an escape. Not so.
Mid shower, I hear one of the children wailing. I closed my eyes, let the water run over my face while trying to guess which child was crying. Ah, the tone was a but shrill and went up a bit at the end of the cry, so *ding ding ding*, it had to be David. He kept crying...and crying...and crying. Why was my husband not attending to him? I hurried through my shower and as I was getting dressed, my husband knocked on the bathroom door and said "David threw up."
"Okkaaaaaay," I replied, but made no effort to hurry out of the bathroom. In fact, I stood there for a few minutes so he could handle the situation himself. When I did come out, the stench hit my nose as soon as I came into the room. My husband had a look of utter disgust on his face as he passed by me with vomit soaked paper towels. He attempted to rub them into the carpet and vomit, creating little vomit soaked bits of paper towels burrowed into the fibers. I immediately got some water and a terry cloth towel, stripped the bed, wiped it down with lysol wipes and generally fumigated. (Note to self: May need to reconsider the SAHD option)
The best part? The lion was sitting directly below David's crib and broke the fall of most of the vomit a la the ring cakes in the classic Curb Your Enthusiasm Nanny From Hell episode featuring Sherri Oteri. (Note to self: What ever happened to Sherri Oteri? She was hilarious! Seriously? Will Ferrell? You need to throw this girl some work!)
Bye Bye, Aslan! You are histoire!
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