Got this idea from my friend Pam over at EveryDay Snapshots...
1. First Day of Weight Watchers - 2009
Today I started Weight Watchers and was reminded why I don't like to go to Weight Watchers meetings. Annoying people. There is always a good mix of people at the meetings, mostly women, ranging from the retired couples to the harried middle aged moms (that would be me) to those who have health issues to the occasional young women. And then there are the annoying people. The ones who have so much time on their hands to analyze and question every bit of minutiae of the program, share every second of their journey, not letting anyone get in a word edgewise. Of course, I had unknowingly planted myself next to one of those people (empty seat next to her, I wonder why!) The leader had to tell her, on 3 different occasions, that she's talk to her after the meeting.
Overall, I am excited about moving forward with WW. They have a new program "Momentum" - which as far as I can tell after a brief flipping through the materials -is a mix of the flex program, teaching how to make smart choices and a lot of self help hoopla . I probably should take the self help aspect of the program more seriously, but alas, I don't really have time. Just let me count my points, weigh in and be on my way. I managed to get through my first day without cheating, so that's something.
2. King of the Power Ballad, Dead?
At one point this week, I thought Steve Perrry had died. I heard "Don't Stop Believin'" on the radio 3 times in one day. I was very concerned.
3. Long Workweek
I worked 4 days in a row as my counterpart needed to switch days (I usually do 3 days on, 1.5 off, back for half day) and it was hard. I missed the kids and the house was kind of a mess, despite my new Manny. Anyhoo - it did equate to a 4 day weekend for me, so no complaints now.
4. Moving Forward
Steve and I decided that the best thing to do for now is to move forward with a 2 part job search. He will look here and in the area we are thinking of relocating and I will look there as well. We'll see what happens.
5. Bargains!
I went to the thrift store a few days ago and got some Ugg like boots for Sofia for $5, a real Disneyland sweatshirt with the princesses on it (that probably cost $40-50 new) for $3 and a kick ass Dick and Jane book for Sofia for $1. I will definitely be returning.
6. Teacher Nick, How YOU doin'?
I was off today and able to watch Sofia at her pre-school gymnastics class. As part of Project Divide and Conquer, I brought William with me, leaving David with Daddy to share some bonding time. It was indescribably nice to just hang out in the yard and watch Sofia beam with pride at her little brother. The dynamic is so different when it's 2 kids. I like it. It feels much more manageable. I never go out with all 3 as I'm afraid one (or more) will have a meltdown and I'll lose control. Sofia has been saying she does not like gymnastics. Turns out "Teacher Nick" is a big, loud, 40something guy with an Italia tee shirt (I'm Italian - and admittedly obnoxiously proud about it at times - but let's just say I know the Italia tee shirt type). Definitely not what you'd picture teaching 3 and 4 year olds. He had that Ahole-high-school-gym-teacher-quality about him, was forceful, loud and pushy with them and it didn't seem that fun. I can see how Sofia would find this intimidating. I'm not sure I'll continue with the class after this month.
7. I Can Feel Again
I continue to be so thankful that I'm off Zoloft. I heard a song on the radio today and got goosebumps. It's been a long time since I got goosebumps. I'll probably be curled up in the fetal position at some point next week, but for now, I'm enjoying feeling things again.
1 comment:
Regarding WW- we (my Mom and I) call them the "meeting hogs". lol.
My first weigh in is Monday, and I am pondering going to the night meeting because at the 12noon one I went to last week, it was all old ladies and me. I may be 40, but I can't deal with the over 70 crowd obsessing over using 1% or skim milk. ugh.
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