First off, the Lost finale. Stellar. I’m left pondering possible fertility statues, light vs. dark and biblical references, not to mention the possible death of a character that was starting to grow on me (hated that scene!) - but bottom line? They delivered and there is more than enough to chew on for the next 8 months. 8 months! Gah!
I happened upon the Housewives of New Jersey the other day and OY! This looks juicy, will definitely be tuning in. These women scare me. They do. But yet I watch. I’m fascinated by the makeup, the hair, the clothes.
Speaking of scary, there is Daisy of Love. For the love of…. What a train wreck of a show. She is an emotional basket case and most of the guys are misfit, future inmates, musician, alcoholic/druggie types. Good times. We’re only a few episodes in and already the show is well on its way to train wreck status.
And speaking of train wrecks, I am also watching the new Charm School. Lots of tension and drama there!! Is it nice to see Ricki Lake again? Yes. Do I think there’s any chance any of these girls is going to come out of this making a positive change in their life? No. But watching the Blontourage vs. Real Chance girls is just good television. It doesn’t get much better.
These shows are like junk food. I know they are so bad for me, even toxic, but I can’t.stop.watching.them. I get some sort of twisted comfort from their predictability.
Dancing with the Stars finale is on tonight and I have to admit, I am torn. I have been on Team Melissa (natch) since day one, but I’ve noticed over the past few weeks, she seems to have peaked. Shawn is outshining her and it’s going to be very close. Overall, I am definitely on Team Gilles, although I don’t always love all of his overtly sexual dance moves with Cheryl. I know he’s hot, but back off, woman! Family man! I didn’t care for the “freestyle” segment at all. I would prefer to see a freestyle that incorporated more of the ballroom elements. I felt like I was watching “So You Think You Can Dance” or “Breaking 2 Electric Bugaloo” or something. What ever will I do with my Monday nights?
Oh yes, then there’s the Bachelorette. I love Jillian, she is so adorable. Anyone who repeatedly says “Nice,” “Wicked,” and “Right on” is ok in my book. Unfortunately, most of the guys came across as douchebags. I had high hopes for the pilot, but then he gave her the wings within seconds of meeting her. Ughhh. Talk about jumping the shark. The musician bugs me. I kind of like David, but time will tell. Kypton was cute. The foot guy was lascivious and a prick. It looks like a drama filled season, can’t wait!
The Office finale brought a tear to my eye. I didn’t see that coming! My husband thinks the show is over now, but I disagree.
It’s going to be a good summer of television, I suspect. Mad Men will start somewhere in there, only the BEST show on television, so there is something to look forward to.
Kypton is so cute! He's definitely my favorite but I am afraid he won't make it because I really am not a fan of any of the other guys. So if he goes, what is the good in watching? :)
And like you, I cannot stop watching Daisy of Love. It literally makes me giggle every week.
Is it true there is only one more season of lost?
please say you watch parks and rec! I thought their finale was hi-lari-ous!
Can your kids get any cuter!??
Janna - Thank you!
Yes, next season is the final season for Lost. I haven't watched Park and Rec, but probably should as I'm a HUGE Amy P. fan.
Gina - Yeah, Kypton is my fave too. It looks like she has a lot of alone time dates with Mr. Pilot, judging from the previews. We.shall.see...
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