As a celebrator of all things Motherly, I'm fairly simple. All I really want is to sleep in and have the house to myself for a bit. So, yesterday was good. I was able to "sleep in" until 7:30. Steve woke up and brought me coffee in bed while I lollygagged and watched "This Week..." It was nice.
Late morning, I sent Steve and Sofia off to a birthday party and Target run, ensuring they'd be gone for hours, thanks to the glorious weather and typical hellish traffic that usually accompanies such a day.
I decided that if we are going to need to move possibly anytime in the next 3 months, I had better get to preparing the house. (I really know how to show myself a good time, I know.) I went through the boys' closet and finally organized their hand me downs into sizes of 2's, 3's and 4's. If the hand me down stream continues, I may never have to purchase clothes for the boys. While I was working away in their bedroom, they were playing in the family room. I could hear them, so I wasn't concerned. There were a few times when I thought "I should probably go check on them..." but was so in the zone, I didn't want to break my momentum. Well.
I finally came out to find the family room completely upturned, as if a tornado had hit it. Every basket with toys was emptied. All the bins under the train table were emptied and upturned. The bins themselves were in the kitchen, turned upside down, clearly being used as stepping stool to reach to things on the counter. David was walking around with an open water bottle in his hands. I quickly got them down for a nap and spent the next half hour putting the house back together.
After nap, we hung out in the yard. It was probably about 75 degrees, with a slight breeze. I let the sun melt over my skin as I listened to the waves and the boys explored the yard. It was a day perfect in its simplicity. David's current obsession is caterpillars. They are everywhere in our yard right now, serving as a great source of learning and wonder for the boys. When David sees one, he just about comes out of his skin, becomes very animated and exclaims "Ah-per, Ah-per!" (See video below - you can also get a taste of Sofia in the background) We're also under the flight path of the local airport, so small planes are flying out to see every 10 minutes on a clear day like yesterday, providing even more entertainment. "Ehhhh-puh! Ehhh-puh!" they exclaim, pointing to the sky.
Caterpillars and airplanes. That's what it's all about.
We don't have caterpillars around but L is totally obsessed with airplanes too. His new question is "Where the airpwane go?" about a bazillion times after it flies over.
Congrats on getting through the clothes. That is no small task.
How adorable! It sounds like a really nice day, and everything about your post brought me back to the summer my boys turned 2. It was sort of a nice flashback!
Let me know if Sophia needs any clothes. I have bins and bins of things up in my attic. I'd be glad to go thru and tell you what I have and I can send you whatever sounds like it will work.
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