I'm trying not to freak out too much as a) it's not a done deal yet and b) we've been wanting to move out of the area forEVER and c) 75% of my salary goes to daycare and health insurance, so getting laid off is probably not the worst thing that could happen to me (thanks to extended unemployment and the stimulus package ensuring that 65% of your Cobra can be paid by the government - via a tax credit to your former employer) I hate to look at it like that, but I have to be practical.
We do plan to sell the house we own in the fall and I'm ramping up the job search for Steve and I in the area we've talked about moving for years, using a local address there on our resumes (thanks to Steve's brother who lives there) and hoping for the best. If one of us does find a job there, we will probably rent, depending on what happens with the house we are selling. I'm also going to talk to my sister in law who lives there about getting Sofia on a wait list for pre-school. I'd hate to see her miss out on the most important pre-K year because I didn't have my act together. I figure no matter what happens, it certainly can't hurt to get her on a wait list.
The thought of my having to work full time sends me into panic attack mode, so I try not to think about it too much.
Que sera, sera, right?
Meanwhile, the boys have taken their 2-yr-old-boy-ishness to a new level. There is not a waking moment when they're not getting into something, throwing something, climbing something or just causing shenanigans. Yesterday, I went for my morning walk and when I came home, William was out of the crib, crying hysterically, because he could not get back in. The thought of having to transition them to big boy beds right now sends me into a whole other panic mode, based on the fact that the only thing that gets me through the day is looking forward to their bedtime. They already have a party in there, many nights, throwing everything out of their crib - numerous times - only to have me come in and almost get clocked with flying binkies as they laugh uproariously. I shudder to think what kind of party they'd have should they be freed from the prison of their cribs.
It's a good thing they're so stinkin' cute.

That picture is adorable. L is in a big boy bed. Well, sort of. He is now in OUR bed every night because he gets out of his big boy bed and I am too lazy to put him back in it. Hope you have more luck than us.
They ARE stinkin' cute!!!
We haven't made the scary switch from crib to toddler bed either. Ziva has climbed out several times, only to be VERY upset that she can't get back in. She hasn't tried it in the past week as a result (I'm guessing). Anya just thinks it's hilarious that her sister can run around and pull clothes out of the dresser, but she hasn't ventured to join her... thank goodness! I'm pretty sure toddler beds are in our near future too. Yikes!!!
I already have nightmares about one of them getting out of their room and taking a tumble down the stairs in the middle of the night. Yes, we still don't have a gate up there... it was one of the MANY things that I had been pestering Hubs to do before he injured himself at work... and how of course he can't. GRRRRR!!!!
I didn't transition Sofia to a bed until right before she turned 3 and had hoped to hold off with the boys as well, but I have a feeling I may not be able to. Sofia knew how to get out, but chose not to, so I just kept her in until I needed the crib for the boys. I imagine I'll have them in toddler beds, put a gate on the door and hope for the best. lol
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