Friday, May 22, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday - 5.22.09

This 7 Quick Takes Friday is kind of lame and very stream of consciousness. I apologize in advance.

1. Sofia's new favorite phrase? "OHH-EMM-GEEE" (as in O.M.G.) She picked it up at preschool, from her teacher, apparently. When I posted this on Facebook, a fellow preschool mom posted that her little one said "That's hella cute, mommy," apparently also learned from this same teacher. I actually think it's kind of funny and fairly benign. It's certainly easier to deal with than trying to explain what her previous teacher's tramp stamp was and why it was not ok for a 3 year old to have one. (No offense to lower back tattoo lovers, I just don't necessarily want to see one on my kid's preschool teacher. I figure there'll be plenty of time for that exposure in high school, junior high school, elementary school. )

2. Despite being a licensed cosmetologist, I think I jacked up Sofia's bangs tonight. Her raging cowlick/Ocean Spray swoosh and I do NOT get along.

3. I made the colossal mistake of adding my cousin on Facebook. He's a bit of a black sheep (young marriage, drugs, ne'er do well type stuff.) Most of my family are black sheep, but he's pretty far up there on the spectrum, right next to my cousin who is in the State Penn. In any case, I instantly regretted it as I can tell he's on Facebook 24/7 and loves to leave idiotic comments with incorrect grammar and spelling. *sigh* How does one de-friend their first cousin from Facebook?

4. I am obsessed with TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) and their show on Sci-Fi, Ghosthunters. Honestly, I will only watch it during the day, but I can' Plumbers by day, Ghostbusters by night. LOVE it.

5. I'm sitting her watching Chelsea Lately, one of my nightly rituals. It's a rerun, so that's disappointing, but I still laugh, even though I already know the jokes.

6. Sofia has become very attached to one of those remote control stuffed dogs. She "feeds" him, puts him to bed and talks about him as if he her baby. As this is the closest this kid will get to a dog for a pet, I am all over this, asking if her doggie needs to go for a walk, wants more food, etc.

7. I was introduced to another neighbor yesterday. She has a 3 year old and a newborn. She seemed nice. As the twins poked their head outside the front door, her instant response was "Are those ALL your kids?" Good times.

That's it from here.


1 comment:

Gina said...

Love me some Chelsea Lately.