My husband is lame. He gets these papers from Unemployment, from Cal Cobra and he doesn't read them. He just files them away.
Meanwhile, we have no had no unemployment money coming in since March (and that was after 2 months of delay.) I finally looked all of it over and realized that he needs to fill out the continuing claim form, which he has no recollection of receiving. I have been diligently tracking all the jobs he (that'd be me) applies to so that I can fill out the form properly.
So, you go to the unemployment website and it's just overwhelming. If you try to call, you get a message saying they are overwhelmed and cannot answer any calls, then direct you to the website.
It's enough to make a girl want to cry.
Somehow, I managed to find the freakin' place where one requests a replacement continuing claim form and submitted it.
I am so done with being responsible for everything. I am so done with bitching about being responsible for everything. I have ragged at my husband about this to the point of which even I hate the sound of my own voice, but this is important shit. All of this stuff has so many levels of bureaucracy and time frames and oy-vey. I walked in the room after trying to get a hold of unemployment the other day and he asked me "So what's up?"
"You fucked up, that's what's up."
I'm sick of it. I want him to get a job already. I keep seeing these people living in tent cities and think that is going to be us. I really do. I have all about accepted the fact that we're going to have to move back to the old house come September. We should have moved back and not rented it. I feel like we just keep making bad decision after bad decision. I'm quite frankly, really scared about our future.
And I'm sure many of you are thinking - Why is she doing all of this for her husband? Why can't he do it for himself. My answer to that is - that is a very good question. I don't really have an answer other than to see that by the way he handles the situation (filing important, time sensitive papers that involve creating positive cashflow for his family away instead of reading them and filling them out) one can see why I need to be the one in the driver's seat. I just hate it. I want to sit shotgun for a while.
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