Pretty much everyone, with the exception of a few, showed up. There were kids *everywhere* - My sister in law (the one I have a contentious relationship with) was absent with her older boys (at a baseball game) for most of the party and it was quite nice. My other sister in law was there and incredibly helpful to me. I even got to talk a little reality television talk with someone. My sister in law watches the children of a local newscaster, so I invited them to the party. I had met her a few times, but boy what a sweetheart. She told me that she was sorority sisters with one of the cast members on "Tough Love" (VH1 - one of my current favorites) so we had lots to dish about.
The jumpie was a hit and William was a maniac in there!! David slept for most of the party and was quite confused when he awoke to a house with 40 people in it. I had also set up little stations where kids could work on some puzzles and crafts (foam pads with little cut out shapes), so there was lots to keep the kids occupied.
I felt it was just the right mix of family, friends and pre-school friends. Everyone seemed to have a good time, with the last non family guest leaving around 6 and the last family guests leaving around 8:30, after helping me clean up. The highlight, my sweet Portugese neighbor giving us a pinata that we proceeded to hang from a rope in front of the house. Picture 20 kids beating the crap out of a pinata on my front lawn. It was fabulous!
I will have photos to share soon. There was a professional photographer friend there and I'm waiting to get what he has before posting my mediocre shots.
I do have a few shots, the morning after as Sofia poses with all her bootie, face painting still intact, bathing suit on - ready for action. Can you sense a theme here?

Glad you had such a great party! She is such a doll.
Congrats for having a successful party! I hope you have a GREAT time at Disneyland, (Or as we call it at my house the "Magic Kingdom" so my kids have no idea what we are talking about when we are planning a day there!)
That was an awesome party for Sofia.. She looked gorgeous in her gown.. Love it!
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