First things first. The Wellbutrin seemed to be aggravating my anxiety and I called my doctor in a panic last week, seeking her thoughts on how long I should stick it out before switching back to Zoloft or another med. She talked me down off the ledge, encouraged me to use Klonopin or Xanax when I need to (I do, typically before bed, not in the middle of a work day or SAHM day when I have to be hyper functional) and we both agreed another 10 days of trial would be prudent before giving up on it completely.
I had noticed that my tummy was getting giggly and thought Hmmmmm. (After having 3 babies in 2 years, 2 of which equaled 13 lbs, I have excessive belly fat. When it deflates a a bit, we call it twin skin.) In any case, my stomach was now becoming less bloated and more saggy and twin skin like. Lovely conversation, I know. In any case, I decided to get on the scale and discovered that I had indeed lost about 10 lbs since the last time I’d weighted myself. Granted, I’ve been walking about 4 days a week, but I haven’t curtailed my eating and drinking too much. Seeing the scale was enough to boost my spirits 20 fold. I decided right then and there that I would continue to take the Wellbutrin if this was the side effect. What’s a minor panic attack once in a while if it equates to weight loss? (I’m kidding. Well, sort of)
Today, one of the most cattiest agents (Teacher Tom) told me my skin looked nice. To a just-about-to-turn-41-year-old-woman, that is the highest compliment you can bestow. And from a gay man? Please, he made my whole week. Thank you, Neutrogena fake tanner. And is it conceited to say that I’ve been having some unprecedented great hair days the past week? Don't answer that.
An unexpected weight loss, skin looking good and some great hair days? Things are looking up!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooo vain. Carly Simon wrote that song about me.
Now, life on the discipline with the kids front is not as hopeful, but I’ll save that for another post.
lol, I had to laugh about the compliment from Teacher Tom. :P
I'm so hearin' ya about the weight loss/twin skin! Part of me really wants to loose 10 lbs... the other part of me is totally afraid of what my belly will look like if I do! lol
Congrats! I'm extremely jealous that you lost 10 pounds without trying. You are my new hero!
Gah! Twin skin sucks. My toddlers like to poke at my belly to their endless amusement... Anyway, great work on the weight loss!
I've been not blogging much either. I started taking Lexapro which is helpful however, like you, the anxiety is getting to me. So, I was given the Xanax for before bed as well. I'm so glad you blog about what you're going through. I'm not brave enough to. But know there is someone else out there in the same boat.
Shit. I have twin skin and no twins. That's bad.
But congrats to you on the compliment from a gay man...that is top notch!
love your narrative. entertaining and honest -- the best kind.
we did a bout of unemployment a few years back with our family of 5 so i know how that feels. it will get better -- i promise
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