2. I went to a playgroup with just William yesterday (part of “Divide and Conquer”) and it was really quite lovely. He was interacting more with the other boys and I was actually able to finish a sentence while talking to the other moms.
3. As Sofia has decided that the computer is now the most awesome thing in the world (specifically the games at Noggin and Nick Jr.) I have decided that this will be the best thing in the world to use as a reward. We’re in the very beginnings of creating a chore/responsibility chart and she will use to earn the privlege to play these games or watch television. Things that she needs to do include making her bed, cleaning her room, brushing her teeth, sharing with the twins, staying in her bed all night, helping mommy in any way, etc. We will see how it works, but I’m hopeful.
4. Busy weekend coming up and I wish I felt more spunky. I am going to have to be in a social setting most of the weekend and I’m not really in that mindset. Crawling in bed and watching hours of I Love Money and UFO Hunters is all I really feel like doing.
5. I attended another board meeting for my mother’s club last night and while I’m enjoying the contacts I’m making, I am discovering that just like any and all other events surrounding Mommy Alpha Types (generally the types that sign up for things), there are cliques. I am new, so it’s difficult to break into certain cliques, especially since I work outside the home and most of these women are home and bouncing around town, tending to their kids and interacting with one another. I’m trying not to let it get to me too much, but it is something that is simmering in the edges of my mind.
6. I’m starting to get into planning mode for Sofia’s “Under the Sea” birthday party in a few weeks. One of the ideas was to make blue jello with Swedish fish inside of them. That’s really the only idea I have come up with. So far, we have about 12 kids coming, with possibly 10 more. Yikes. Why do I do this to myself.
7. The weight situation is really at a standstill. I have been walking, but not doing WW and I’m doing a fairly good job of beating myself up about it. I WISH there was a way I could get to the gym. I thought about evenings, but the closest “real” gym is 20 minutes away. There are a few smaller ones in town, but they either offer classes or they are Curves and I really prefer the large, sprawling type gyms that you can get lost in. I guess buying a treadmill is really the answer, but there’s no where to put it. Such problems, right?
My kids were the same way when they were younger about Noggin and Nick Jr! Now it's Webkinz they are always on. Kids love the amazing websites out there for them.
Blue jello and Swedish fish...YUM!!!
I went to Curves for about a year before I joined the gym I am at now. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I loved it, how many fun people I met (you almost have to talk to people in that setup), and how much weight and inches I lost.
Don't beat yourself up over WW. You're beautiful and busy and a great mommy. You're still walking, and that's all that matters (and tell those clique-y alpha moms who's boss!)
Thanks guys. Part of me is just too tired to even think about trying to befriend certain factions, even though they have kids the same age as I. Plus, whether we stay here or not is still up in the air...so...I just hate that high school feeling. I'm 40, ya know!
I have met a lot of women here who are not cliquey and in the cliquey women's defense, they have all had kids grow up together, been in playgroups, etc. so they're not trying to be cliquey, it just is what it is.
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