Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So the economic situation is trickling...

Someone I know who has been at the title company for 10 years just got layed off...

Another title company rep just came in and said they laid off 8 people a few weeks ago, she's the only one left in sales. She said every office she is visiting, where there were 3 admins, there are now one. "There but by the grace of God go I."

I joked about being the only one sitting here, but it could come to that. If I'm lucky. If I'm not lucky, then I'll be out of a job. I guess I should start to prepare mentally and financially for that possibility.

I'm trying to be zen about all of it, it really is out of my control and whatever is meant to be will be. Still. The other day, when I thought they were for sure closing my office, many thoughts went through my mind.

In the span of a few hours, I was planning on being a SAHM, enrolling the kids in Head Start pre-school (with me jobless, we'd qualify) and all sorts of other things we don't qualify for now, but would if we went to one income. I was going to go back to school for my graduate degree or possibly nursing school. In my spare time, that is.

It's a crazy time. So much uncertainty. But to be brutally honest, I am fine with whatever happens. Sometimes, it's a lot easier to make tough decisions when they are made for you. And as hard as it is, not a day goes by that I don't struggle with the fact that I am not home with my boys.

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