I went to have a drink last night and then remembered I am on antibiotics and 12 hour Sudafed. Doesn't really mix well, so had to skip that much needed beverage.
I am currently in hyper-Disneyland-preparation-mode.
I found a great Disney packing list here.
Just looking at all the gear we need to bring, I almost start to hyperventilate.
I have heard that Disney is slow, but I think that reflects sales for future travel, not current attendance. I'm sure many people, like ourselves, have their trips planned months in advance and intend to go, come hell or high water.
I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Disneyland with a 3.5 year old and 2 toddlers, am I out of my ever loving mind???? I know Sofia will have the time of her life, but I suspect I'll need a vacation when I get home. Fortunately, I have 4 days off after we get home.
I'm anxious about how the boys will sleep in a pack and play, wondering about sleeping options for them in the hotel. We have one of those little toddler couches that unfolds to a bed and they love it, I'm just not sure I'm ready to have them sleeping unconfined.
I just realized that I will need to bring all my babyproofing latches, outlet covers, etc. as they will be like bulls in a china closet at the hotel.
Have I mentioned we are staying in a 3 bedroom suite? SWEET. It was extremely reasonable and it's across from the park. Oh yes - and it has a fireworks view. There aren't any fireworks the week we are there (transitional period between Halloween and Thanksgiving), but that's neither here nor there.
The countdown is on...5 days and counting!
We are Disney addicts in this house. I've not been to Disneyland recently... we usually travel to FL for Disneyworld each year (we have the Disney Vacation Club which is AWESOME).
You'll do fine with the kids. So much fun!
Thanks Shelli. We went one year ago when Sofia was 2.5 and the twins were 8 months. It was challenging, but the boys just sat in the stroller, so not too bad. This time may be a bit different! lol Fortunately, we have other friends going with us and another adult family friend coming with us to help. I am such a Disney addict, not even funny. I am hoping to make it to DW in 2010.
Hi Melissa!
I also have 'Irish Triplets'...my twins are 15 months older than my youngest daughter. We have been taking them all to Disneyland several times a year since they were infants (the twins' first trip was at 12 weeks).
When they were 3 and 4 years old, we went to WDW for the first time. We went back three years later. Now, five years later, we are going again...tomorrow!
I also live in Northern California (Palo Alto), so if you want to chat about this wonderful mom life you've been blessed with, I'm available. I know what you've got going on!
(mkraemer on MousePlanet)
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