This is a journal post from October 2006. I was about 5 months pregnant with the twins and Sofia was about 18 months old. It certainly didn't make me feel any better about the boys' speech, but at the same time, brought me back. Sofia has been such an extrovert since day one, I swear, she is her father's daughter.
Well, the new meds have brought my BP down to around 117/64, so obviously working. I asked the nurse if that was too low and she said that was perfect. One s/e of the meds is headaches though, which sucks. The nurse called me today to ask if I had done the GTT yet and I told her I would tomorrow (peri is having me do it early as well as at 24 wks b/c she feels I'm "at risk"). They sure are on top of things, that's for sure. It's quite refreshing. We have Sofia's 18 mo apt so will be at the hospital anyway. I think she gets some shots, but she's usually pretty good about them.
I'm loving all the pumpkin pics! We went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday as well, I have pics of course. It was quite challenging to get a good one as Miss Sofia doesn't sit still and didn't want to pose, just wanted to throw the pumpkins (poppkees) on the ground. Will post when I get my computer up and running again (actually the computer is fine $400 later - don't get me started -- our internet is down, long story) Sofia kept calling the goats and ponies at the patch "cow..." Pretty funny.
Sofia's new thing is saying "Hi" to everyone. And I do mean everyone. At the playground, walks up to strangers and says "HI!" (and she says it in this Kathleen Turner voice that is hilarious) We go out to lunch, she turns around in the booth and says "Hi" to the people next to us. At the grocery store, says hi to all passersby. That girl is certainly not shy.
A list of her words at 18 mo
Girl (guhl)
Bike (biyeeh)
Bear (Beeeah)
Kitty (Kiki)
Bye Bye
Shoe (stchshoo)
Foot (fuh)
Camera (cahhh)
Cracker (cackah)
Clicker (cickah)
Comb (cohhh)
Back (bahhh)
Clay (Key)
Balloon (Bah)
Car (Cah)
Bella (Buh)
Sassy (thsassthsy)
Please (pee)
Pants (pee)
No (nyah)
Pen (puh)
Cup (cuh)
Book (booh)
Guitar (tar)
Pumpkin (popkee)
Pasta (pah)
Bless You (Bah)
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