Suffice it to say this morning was less than fun.
It did improve, though. The boys had a playdate at a mom from the mom's club's house about 10 minutes north. She also has a 3 yr old and 16 month old, so that was cool. There were about 5 of us there, so 6 kids. It was so nice to take them somewhere just for them. Later, I get my highlights and haircut. Very looking forward to a little "me" time as there'll be none of that in the days ahead.
Laundry is moving, suitcases are half packed and lists are made, items checked off and at the risk of letting my control freak nature show - spreadsheets have been created. Yes, spreadsheets. I am a geek and a control freak, but I just think it's important we have a plan.
Welcome to my world. :)
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