Friday - Went to movie night in the park. The feature was "Arctic Tale." Arrived at 6 p.m. and by 8 p.m., I was ready to leave. I left Steve and Sofia there and took the boys home, only to be greeted by him one hour later. He said he couldn't deal with all the global warming propaganda. Ay-yi-yi. This is what I get for marrying a conservative.
Saturday -- In the morning, I picked up a dresser from Craigslist as well as a Kangaroo Climber which is currently residing in my living room. The boys adore it. Every time they wake up from a nap, they get a look as if to say "Yey! It's still here." It's awesome as they love it so much, it's keeping them from getting into the 50 million other things they typically get into.
I think I already mentioned gymnastics. Late afternoon, had dinner with the family of Sofia's friend from pre-school, a.k.a. "the other Sofia." In addition to having a daughter named Sofia born 3 wks after ours and a son born 10 days before our twins, they are coming upon their 5th anniversary, which is September 13th, same as ours. Great minds do think alike!
Sunday -- The usual, grocery shopping and laundry, swim lessons. This afternoon, escaped to a movie with a friend I haven't seen in 18 months. It was nice to catch up. We saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was eh. Great acting, but overly sentimental (I am such a sap for storylines involving crazy mothers and family secrets)
Another busy week. Not sure what is going on with the house sitch, but I have my fingers crossed on a scenario. Trying not to get my hopes up.
Oh yeah, I think it's time for David to get a haircut. He's beginning to resemble this clown from from Million Dollar Listing...(and seriously? I work in real estate and there is no.way.on.god' any of the high end owners we deal with would list their house with this Joey Ramone knock off. L.A. is so ridiculous!!)
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