I've become one of those people. Those annoying people with the antenna apparatus sticking out of their ear? Talking to invisible people and making you feel indescribably ridiculous when you respond to their conversations, thinking they are talking to you? It's the modern equivalent of waving back to someone who wasn't waving to you...
As of July 1st, it's illegal to drive in California and talk on the cell phone. I've spent the past 6 weeks barking into my speakerphone (a la Jonathon Antin from Blowout). I know I've been doing it to excess when my 3 year old is now mimicking me by sauntering around the house, holding her toy cell up to her mouth and yelling "No, we're not doing that!" or "I told you I was going to be Jasmine!" So, I figured it was about time I got on the Bluetooth bandwagon.
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