Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Birthday Present to The Family for the Next 2 Years

I did some shopping today, a big screen TV (46 inch Samsung flat screen - The birthday and christmas present for everyone in the household for the next 2 years) and a kitchen table and chairs (on sale - I looked for 3 weeks on Craigslist and never found anything other than overpriced or outdated items). The TV was a bit extravagant, but honestly, I'm a hardcore TV addict and have coveted this forever. Plus, there was really no where for a TV in the family room other than over the fireplace. I think I made the salesgirl at Best Buy's whole day 'cause I could not have looked very promising hobbling in there with my no makeup and wet hair. :) The thought of watching Lost on the new TV has me all warm and fuzzy.

Unfortunately, while hobbling around town making purchases, my poor foot swelled up to caveman level - not seen since being postpartum with the twins. I am currently icing it with Jolly Green Giant mixed veggies.

I have an appt tomorrow at the doc's, even though I suspect it's a sprain or at worst, torn ligament and there's nothing they can do. I should be staying off of it, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

Funny moment of the day? Going to the "beach house" to drop a few things off (after picking up the kids from sister in law's) and showing Sofia her room. When we went into the boys' room, she pointed to the closet (which is rather large) she asked if that was her room.

Ah, god love that little girl.

All the way home, Sofia kept saying she wanted to go back to the beach house. Other than William walking into the sliding glass door, the kids were having so much fun running all over the house and yard. I am feeling really good about this move as it's all for them.

Sofia still keeps insisting we need our suits for the beach. This wasn't completely out of line as is often the case in the Bay Area, with late summer comes the most gorgeous weather of the year. The problem with this is it entices all the people here to head for the coast, flooding the one road in and out. This is to be expected, but in the middle of the move, a bit of a drag.

Ah well, I just think of my big old TV and everything is ok again.

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