So last night, the husband and I had a date night. The timing wasn't great as this is "move" week, but this concert had been postponed from July and this was the day it landed on...
It was a comedy concert by my favorite comedienne, Kathy Griffin. It was at a winery tucked up high on a mountaintop in the south bay and could not have been a more gorgeous setting. The weather was perfect, the views breathtaking and the laughs plentiful. I laughed so much that my face hurt.
For a brief moment, I felt kind of sorry for my vastly outnumbered, straight, conservative husband in a sea Kathy's excited- beyond-belief-to-be-theree "gays" but I got over that the minute she came out and started tearing apart all the main players in today's pop culture. Husband does like her or I would not have brought him, he just gets visibly uncomfortable when she starts getting political. Plus, he watches the show with me, so I'm fairly certain he knew what he was getting into.
Kathy is a bit offensive for many, but I love her no hold barred takes on everyone from Nancy Grace to Miley Cyrus. Some highlights: Her take on the "prairie ladies" of the FLDS ranch scandal, Lindsey Lohan's newfound lesbianism, Miley Cyrus' youtube clips and "creepy" Vanity Fair spread, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes, Pam Anderson and the aforementioned Nancy Grace. I have to say, she has Nancy *down* - it was a sight to behold. One of the best lines (paraphrasing here) was to the audience, which was very upscale Silicon Valley yuppie (gay and straight). "I know who you are! You're the MFers who have their Prius in the garage, right next to their Humvee." She nailed that one.
Tomorrow, we start moving to the beach house. Sofia seems to think we need to pack our bathing suits. I don't think she quite gets that this move is permanent, she most likely thinks we are going on a vacation. I explained to her that the suits were not necessary at this beach. A parka and a good set of earmuffs might be more appropriate.
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