Ok, I admit it. I'm
hooked on AMC's
Mad Men.
I watched a bit last season, but came in at the end and didn't quite know what was going on. The show is
incredibly subtle, but even though I was confused, I knew this was a show I needed to take the time to catch up on...
It's dark, stylish, intense and shocking at times.
Just my cup of tea. Other than The Office and Lost, I don't watch a lot of scripted television anymore. I am so thrilled to have found something smart, edgy and
juicy to look forward to on Sunday Nights, a la Six Feet Under.
Last night's epi had me thinking a lot about dark family secrets. (Lots of those in this show) I grew up with this kid who was raised to think that his
mother was his aunt (apparently everyone knew this but him). How much of a mind F#@K is that?
I also had a situation when I was younger in that my best friend was extremely troubled (lots of abuse growing up) and would manifest this by
extreme promiscuity. One night, we had a double date and long story short, she slept with her date
and mine. She ended up pregnant (already had a 1 yr old baby out of wedlock whose paternity was questionable as well) but she (thank god) found out she was pregnant too late to "
do anything" about it.
She obviously was not sure who the father was. When the baby was born, her aunt out of state adopted him. He looked
exactly like my date, so it was clear who the father was, but it just blows my mind that there's some guy walking around who doesn't know he has a kid. What also blows my mind is that this kid is now
18 years old. I ran the numbers. At first, I thought - t
hat can't be right! But it is. My friend and I stopped talking to each other in the late 90's (she got my sister in law fired from her job - long story) so I don't know what happened, if he was ever told who his mother was...
Oh yeah, my best friend's father was a priest who had left the priesthood for his mother (his student) so I'm always fascinated with that sort of thing. Not sure where they are going with the whole
priest storyline. I got a weird feeling when they showed him alone with the two little boys who looked scared shitless, though. I'm tellin' ya, this show is