Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mommy Gut

So my sister in law (day care provider) called me at around 3 yesterday to tell me that D was acting incredibly fussy, tugging on his ear, etc. I came home from work to a total mess of a baby, hysterically crying, inconsolable, eyes glazed over, tugging on his ear. I asked him if his ear had "owie" and he cried harder, acknowledged this in his little baby language.

So, we headed down to our little Coastside ER. It's a small facility about 10 minutes from my house. It was totally empty so we didn't have to wait, which is always good with an inconsolable toddler. I'm not sure I'd want to go there if I had a life threatening emergency, but for a situation like this, it was fine.

As I suspected, he has a raging ear infection.

The doc said she "doesn't think" it's ruptured (saw blood). I knew I should have stayed home yesterday. I know it would not have made a difference, but he needed me and I should have listened to my gut. Suffice it to say, there is lots of mom guilty filling my head today.

Fortunately, Motrin and Abx have seemed to help quite a bit, so I'm hopeful he won't be in such pain today. He's been off since the weekend, I knew it. Please remind me to always listen to the mommy instinct...

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