So, I am still digesting the news of yesterday.
This was told to Steve on Friday, so he sat on it all weekend. I had no idea. I hate that he didn't tell me sooner. In any case, he went to his boss on Monday and let him know that he was very caught off guard, but was now ready to discuss, ready to ramp up performance, whatever he needed to do. His boss assured him that it wasn't a performance based decision, but a market based decision. It sounds like the company is having a bit of a credit crisis. The commodity my husband works in has dropped drastically in price in the last 3 months. While this has been fabulous for most of the population, for his company, notsomuch. The boss was even talking about laying off the office manager, who has been there forever.
I guess my main concern isn't the pay cut, although that stinks, but the prospect of him getting laid off. I am starting to think the handwriting is on the wall there. I told him we'd better polish up his resume...
In the meantime, I think we'll be fine. We clearly need to get our other house rented out soon. It's got a few more finishing touches and it could be ready in a week, but realistically, with the holidays looming, it's looking more like January.
I could cut back on one day of Sofia's pre-school. She doesn't have to go 3 days a week. I could get rid of one of our televisons (we have 3). I could start selling things on craigslist and ebay. And yes, this will mean buh-bye to the cleaning lady.
I can't really complain. I know so many people (in real life and in cyberspace) who are struggling with layoffs, forced unpaid leave, pay cuts, departments being eliminated, etc. This is affecting everyone, from every walk of life. We are no different.
We'll see how it all shakes down. As my friend Shelli so eloquently said in her blog - Burgermeister Meisterburger is not going to rain on my parade.
In more festive news, I now have a decorated Christmas tree. Sofia was actually more help than hindrance, imagine that!! I hesitate to even say that, but at 3.75 years old, I am starting to see the tiniest glimmer of maturity in her. We'll see how long it lasts.
After I wrote that post yesterday, David cam home and watched it! I giggled the whole time.
I am sorry about the paycut. So many of us are trying to cut back, and it seems we are ALL affected. Stupid economy. When Steve took his paycut earlier this year, we rationialized it with "at least he has a job", and now that might be gone soon too.
I had a realization last night, as we were complaining about all of this happening around the holidays, and then it occured to me that it is not the worst. I tend to be more family-oriented this time of year anyway, so it just makes it that much more special in a way. We got each other.
I totally agree. After my dad died in 2006 & and all the health crises of last year & accompanying emotional trauma with my family, it numbed me to this kind of stuff in a way. It's like, hey, we're alive...
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