Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day Off Activities - Dec. 4

Today has been spent catching up on stuff. Cleaning lady came yesterday so didn't have to spend most of my day doing that. Loving that. I figure, while I still have a job, I'll enjoy it, but with the job situation tenuous at best, it could all come crashing to a halt unexpectedly. In the meantime, I don't have to clean my toilet.

I was supposed to go to a holiday social sponsored by my mother's club this morning, but my 10 a.m., I realized that the fact that it was during the boys' nap was not something I would be able to work around. They needed a nap and they needed it pronto. Plus, I looked at the list of attendees and being new to the area, didn't see any of the few names I might recognize. So, I bailed.

It's a good thing I did. The boys were crank-monsters this morning. I think David (in particular) is having a lot of difficulty with his inability to communicate. He is starting to tantrum when he wants something and I can't understand. I feel so bad, just begging him to speak the words, but he doesn't seem to be able to.

The are just waking from a marathon 3.5 hr nap, so they must have been way sleep deprived. While they were down, I did 3 loads of laundry, folded, put away, pruned through Sofia's clothes and got her summer clothes out of the drawers so she would stop trying to wear them, wrapped 21 Christmas presents (no lie) made lunch and got some mystery spots out of my carpet.

Time to go get the nuggets up from their nap.

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