So, it's time to reflect on the year.
To begin with, 2006-2007 sucked so mightily, that 2008 could only be an improvement. Between my dad's unexpected death, an unexpected twin pregnancy (the twin part, not the pregnancy part), my own hospitalization with pleurisy and pneumonia, David's hospitalization, William's first hospitalization, William's second hospitalization and health scare, etctera and so on - I was beyond ready to start fresh for 2008.
My family were plagued by the sickies of every sort in 2008, but that is to be expected when one has 3 small children, so can't really whine about that too much.
Overall, it was a good year. I spent much of it packing up most of our belongings to prepare our house for sale, only to watch the real estate market tank, causing us to stay in our mini house and ultimately rent a larger house with plans to lease our house.
It's 3 months later, I'm still not unpacked (doubt I ever will be), we have yet to rent out our mini house (our own fault, dragging our feet on getting it ready) and am now looking at the worst real estate market in 25 years for the Bay Area. My husband has already taken a pay cut and if I'm lucky, a pay cut is the worst thing that I will experience in 2009.
That said, I truly believe that whatever is meant to be is going to happen and I'm positive that it will all work out for the best in the end. Still, I've been with my company since day one, I was their first full time employee. I've seen this company and these people through so many life experiences; numerous relationships and break ups, 4 different residences, my engagement/wedding/pregnancies/motherhood and I don't want to see what everyone has worked so hard to build over the last 13 years crumble. I am honest though, I have little control over the situation.
I'm not a big pray-er, but tonight, I will be saying a little prayer for things to turn in a positive direction for everyone in 2009.
Resolutions? I have many. More patience. Lose weight. Live in the moment. Don't sweat the small stuff.
I hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful New Year's Eve and lots of health and happiness in 2009.
Seeya next year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Way-Back Wednesday: Why I Will Always Look Pregnant
So, my daughter's current fascination with my tummy has been the inspiration for this week's Way Back Wednesday.
For the past 2 days, my 3.5 yr old little princess has found it necessary to inform me repeatedly that my tummy "looks like there is a baby in there..." I'm not sure if I'm particularly bloated this week, or if it's my choice of clothing that is driving this obsession.
My first instinct is to snap back with "That's what happens when you have 3 babies in 2 years," but I somehow resist.
Honestly, in my current SSRI weaning state, one would think this would bring me to tears, but for some reason, it amuses me. I know I look like I'm pregnant, I am aware of it and celebrate it. (What else can I do, really?) But Sofia is like a dog with a bone, not letting it go.
"It's impolite to comment on people's bodies," I explain, bending down to her eye level (made all the more difficult due to my excessive belly fat), holding her hands for emphasis on this very important lesson.
Long pause. "Ok. Can I have a piece of candy?"
I think this picture sort of explains why I will always look like I'm 20 weeks pregnant, barring any reconstructive surgery in the future. (Extreme Makeover, are you listening?) This is me, the day before I delivered the boys...37 weeks pregnant, measuring 52 weeks, carrying 13 lbs of baby. Oh yeah!! This twinskin isn't going anywhere!
For the past 2 days, my 3.5 yr old little princess has found it necessary to inform me repeatedly that my tummy "looks like there is a baby in there..." I'm not sure if I'm particularly bloated this week, or if it's my choice of clothing that is driving this obsession.
My first instinct is to snap back with "That's what happens when you have 3 babies in 2 years," but I somehow resist.
Honestly, in my current SSRI weaning state, one would think this would bring me to tears, but for some reason, it amuses me. I know I look like I'm pregnant, I am aware of it and celebrate it. (What else can I do, really?) But Sofia is like a dog with a bone, not letting it go.
"It's impolite to comment on people's bodies," I explain, bending down to her eye level (made all the more difficult due to my excessive belly fat), holding her hands for emphasis on this very important lesson.
Long pause. "Ok. Can I have a piece of candy?"
I think this picture sort of explains why I will always look like I'm 20 weeks pregnant, barring any reconstructive surgery in the future. (Extreme Makeover, are you listening?) This is me, the day before I delivered the boys...37 weeks pregnant, measuring 52 weeks, carrying 13 lbs of baby. Oh yeah!! This twinskin isn't going anywhere!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
So, at the risk of sounding like a total curmudegeon, here are some of my favorite pics from Christmas to lighten up the joint.
David practicing his WWF moves on his brother

Another, please! And make it a double!

David giving his cousin a high five

Sofia in her new ballet outfit

William and David in their new little buggies
David practicing his WWF moves on his brother
Another, please! And make it a double!
David giving his cousin a high five
Sofia in her new ballet outfit
William and David in their new little buggies
Brain Pain
So, I am back at work and none too happy about it. That said, there are layoffs in the wind and I should be happy to be gainfully employed.
My boys seem to be going through a hyper-clingy-whiny-phase and it's breaking my heart. Often, I feel like they always live in fear of my leaving them, hence their over the top attachment towards me. I, of course, beat myself up about this to a ridiculous degree. Then, I feel self indulgent for even waxing on about this as I currently work 30 hours per week, when others somehow work 40 or God forbid, more. Then I remind myself, most people with 3 or more children probably aren't working outside the home. I am then quickly snapped back to the reality of how off-the-charts difficult it is being home with all 3 kids and how lucky we are to have good health care. These are the conversations that are taking place in my head this week, thoughts snapping off like haphazard little firecrackers, complemented by my sinus infection induced, raging headache. So, my head literally feels like it's going to explode, both figuratively and literally.
And this morning was highlighted by my daughter giving me the once over and saying "Look at your tummy. Your tummy is big."
At the risk of sounding all Lloyd-Bridges-in Airplane-ish, I guess I picked the wrong month to give up Zoloft.
My boys seem to be going through a hyper-clingy-whiny-phase and it's breaking my heart. Often, I feel like they always live in fear of my leaving them, hence their over the top attachment towards me. I, of course, beat myself up about this to a ridiculous degree. Then, I feel self indulgent for even waxing on about this as I currently work 30 hours per week, when others somehow work 40 or God forbid, more. Then I remind myself, most people with 3 or more children probably aren't working outside the home. I am then quickly snapped back to the reality of how off-the-charts difficult it is being home with all 3 kids and how lucky we are to have good health care. These are the conversations that are taking place in my head this week, thoughts snapping off like haphazard little firecrackers, complemented by my sinus infection induced, raging headache. So, my head literally feels like it's going to explode, both figuratively and literally.
And this morning was highlighted by my daughter giving me the once over and saying "Look at your tummy. Your tummy is big."
At the risk of sounding all Lloyd-Bridges-in Airplane-ish, I guess I picked the wrong month to give up Zoloft.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Is It Time to Go Back To Work Yet?
Oh, what a joyous holiday its been.
My hands are raw from opening copious amounts of reinforced plastic toy packaging and washing the stench of vomit from my dry, cracked skin.
I have no voice. Literally. I have attempted to yell at the kids, only to hear a dry squeak emit from my vocal chords. At one point, Sofia turned to me and said "Ma...I can't understand you!"
Steve has been violently ill since Christmas Eve and not able to help me as he has had to stay close to the toilet.
Sofia was fine, but probably spread lots of Christmas joy when she vomited in the middle of all 9 cousins opening presents on Christmas Eve. I have to hand it to my sister in law, mother of 3 that she is. She plucked Sofia out of the insanity, mid vomit, like a cat grabbing its kitten by the scruff of its neck. Before anyone even noticed that an episode had taken place, she had Sofia in the bathroom, her head in the toilet. It was amazing to see.
We're not sure if the vomit was from the bug we have all had (most probable) or the approximately 10 Christmas cookies she helped herself to, as well as fried mozarella, fried won ton, potato chips, etc. She commented that there were "sparkles in the toilet" from the upchucked cookies.
I don't even have the mental fortitude to get into details (there are many) or upload individual photos as my head is currently in a 12-hour-Sudafed-induced fog. So, for now, I will just post my the link to my shutterfly shared photo site.
Behold, the 3 days of Christmas...
My hands are raw from opening copious amounts of reinforced plastic toy packaging and washing the stench of vomit from my dry, cracked skin.
I have no voice. Literally. I have attempted to yell at the kids, only to hear a dry squeak emit from my vocal chords. At one point, Sofia turned to me and said "Ma...I can't understand you!"
Steve has been violently ill since Christmas Eve and not able to help me as he has had to stay close to the toilet.
Sofia was fine, but probably spread lots of Christmas joy when she vomited in the middle of all 9 cousins opening presents on Christmas Eve. I have to hand it to my sister in law, mother of 3 that she is. She plucked Sofia out of the insanity, mid vomit, like a cat grabbing its kitten by the scruff of its neck. Before anyone even noticed that an episode had taken place, she had Sofia in the bathroom, her head in the toilet. It was amazing to see.
We're not sure if the vomit was from the bug we have all had (most probable) or the approximately 10 Christmas cookies she helped herself to, as well as fried mozarella, fried won ton, potato chips, etc. She commented that there were "sparkles in the toilet" from the upchucked cookies.
I don't even have the mental fortitude to get into details (there are many) or upload individual photos as my head is currently in a 12-hour-Sudafed-induced fog. So, for now, I will just post my the link to my shutterfly shared photo site.
Behold, the 3 days of Christmas...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
These two
These two, up to no good, I tell ya. Dragging the chair over to the counter and sneaking some raisins, then trying to play with my computer. Never a dull moment!
And behold...Sofia's Christmas present. I thought it was better to have it all ready to go vs. trying to remove all the furniture and minutiae, tied in for dear life as most toys are, while the kids are in the midst of Christmas chaos. She has plennnnnty of other things to open in addition, so I'm just going to put a big bow on it.
I really hope she loves it. I'm not going to lie - I think I may want to play with it.
The Coughs, Day 2
So, the frog in my chest has turned into a dragon and my daughter and husband officially sound like they are going to cough up a lung. They have, as Sofia says "The coughs."
Understandably, Sofia begged me not to go to work today, as did the brothers, although their plea was a bit more primitive. I did try to explain that "Mommy has to go to work to buy you princess things and chocolate pudding & gogurt..." but her eyes just glazed over at that. Thankfully, the prospect of wearing her new rainboots was enough of a distraction to get her out the door without a Grade A meltdown.
I just braved Toys'R'Us, 2 days before my Christmas (something akin to the 7th Circle of Hell) because the doll furniture I got online for Sofia's dollhouse is entirely too big. I have to send it back, leaving the dollhouse, well, unfurnished.
I briefly considered making her earn the furniture & accessories via the sticker chart system, but the thought of giving her an empty dollhouse seemed sort of cruel. Besides, the sticker chart isn't quite as effective anymore.
The other day, she said "I don't want a sticker!" (she even turned down chocolate, leaving me with a hopelessly empty bribery arsenal, which is profoundly frightening as I head into a week of her being home.)
God give me strength.
Understandably, Sofia begged me not to go to work today, as did the brothers, although their plea was a bit more primitive. I did try to explain that "Mommy has to go to work to buy you princess things and chocolate pudding & gogurt..." but her eyes just glazed over at that. Thankfully, the prospect of wearing her new rainboots was enough of a distraction to get her out the door without a Grade A meltdown.
I just braved Toys'R'Us, 2 days before my Christmas (something akin to the 7th Circle of Hell) because the doll furniture I got online for Sofia's dollhouse is entirely too big. I have to send it back, leaving the dollhouse, well, unfurnished.
I briefly considered making her earn the furniture & accessories via the sticker chart system, but the thought of giving her an empty dollhouse seemed sort of cruel. Besides, the sticker chart isn't quite as effective anymore.
The other day, she said "I don't want a sticker!" (she even turned down chocolate, leaving me with a hopelessly empty bribery arsenal, which is profoundly frightening as I head into a week of her being home.)
God give me strength.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sickies Update
Sickies update: Sofia and Steve woke up with horrible, croupy, emphysema resembling coughs. I have a slight tickle in my throat and just the beginnings of a frog in my chest.
William followed me around all day yesterday, chanting "MAHHH! MAHHH! MAHHHH! MAHHH! MAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" with his arms outstretched, demanding I pick him up. He was only appeased when I lay in the recliner and cover him a blanket, his head snuggled in my busom. If I didn't have 2 other kids to tend to, I probably would have really enjoyed this. I remember doing this when Sofia was a baby, just sitting on the couch, sick baby in my arms, watching the first Season of Lost on DVD. *sigh*
I digress...
I set Sofia up with my computer and some movies, which she liked wayyyyy more than I did as that meant I had no computer. Note to self. If I get any Best Buy gift cards this Xmas (standard gift from Steve - either that or Barnes and Noble GC) I must buy a portable DVD player.
David is having digestive issues of his own. He layed on the floor in hysterics while trying to poop out something way bigger than you would think possible for this little guy. Note to self. More fruit, less cheese for David.
Dear husband has been complaining of lack of ability to hear in left ear for a few days now which has resulted in him turning the television up about 17 notches higher than is reasonably necessary, adding to the chaos of my world.
He actually just called me at work to tell me he was very congested. Seriously? He wanted to know what to do.
I told him to go make haste and purchase some 12-hour Sudafed from the pharmacy. The good stuff, behind the counter, the stuff you practically need to give up your first of kin for.
I have a sneakin' suspecion that the next few days are going to be a peach-fest for me.
William followed me around all day yesterday, chanting "MAHHH! MAHHH! MAHHHH! MAHHH! MAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" with his arms outstretched, demanding I pick him up. He was only appeased when I lay in the recliner and cover him a blanket, his head snuggled in my busom. If I didn't have 2 other kids to tend to, I probably would have really enjoyed this. I remember doing this when Sofia was a baby, just sitting on the couch, sick baby in my arms, watching the first Season of Lost on DVD. *sigh*
I digress...
I set Sofia up with my computer and some movies, which she liked wayyyyy more than I did as that meant I had no computer. Note to self. If I get any Best Buy gift cards this Xmas (standard gift from Steve - either that or Barnes and Noble GC) I must buy a portable DVD player.
David is having digestive issues of his own. He layed on the floor in hysterics while trying to poop out something way bigger than you would think possible for this little guy. Note to self. More fruit, less cheese for David.
Dear husband has been complaining of lack of ability to hear in left ear for a few days now which has resulted in him turning the television up about 17 notches higher than is reasonably necessary, adding to the chaos of my world.
He actually just called me at work to tell me he was very congested. Seriously? He wanted to know what to do.
I told him to go make haste and purchase some 12-hour Sudafed from the pharmacy. The good stuff, behind the counter, the stuff you practically need to give up your first of kin for.
I have a sneakin' suspecion that the next few days are going to be a peach-fest for me.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
And More Vomit!
Ok, went to get William up this morning and was like "Why is his hair wet and stuck to the side of his head?" Ohhhhhhhh. So yeah. He was basically in a pile of vomit, no idea when he threw up.
He even threw up on his beloved "lovey" and it's beyond repair, I am afraid. It's not washable and the thing is just trashed, we threw it away.
All morning, William only wants to be held. As this is my non-clingy boy, I know he really must feel awful. Meanwhile, David is having tantrums over god-knows-what (probably the fact that I am holding William), which is ever so much fun. I can tell he wants something but doesn't have the verbal skills to let me know. Very frustrating.
I won't even begin to get into how Sofia is contributing to the equation, but I'm sure you can use your imagination.
Thank God for naps, that's all I can say.
He even threw up on his beloved "lovey" and it's beyond repair, I am afraid. It's not washable and the thing is just trashed, we threw it away.
All morning, William only wants to be held. As this is my non-clingy boy, I know he really must feel awful. Meanwhile, David is having tantrums over god-knows-what (probably the fact that I am holding William), which is ever so much fun. I can tell he wants something but doesn't have the verbal skills to let me know. Very frustrating.
I won't even begin to get into how Sofia is contributing to the equation, but I'm sure you can use your imagination.
Thank God for naps, that's all I can say.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Vomit is in the Air Tonight
Christmas cards are done (late, but done!). The last of the presents are wrapped. I have a few more little things to do, but for the most part, I'm feeling ready for Christmas.
What an ideal time for David to start the pukes! He has thrown up twice tonight in his bed, I've stripped the bed twice. I just layed some towels down in there as I suspect it's going to be a long night.
And it seems as though Green Beret's visit yesterday was all it took to put the fear of God into William. Just today, he has started saying "DDDDDeh!" for "Dee" (We call David "D") and he was trying to say shoe earlier, although I am the only person who would ever be able to tell that was what he was saying. Maybe we are turning a corner. It sure would be a nice change of pace as the whining and tantruming are starting to occur with more frequency as their strong desire to communicate their needs and their lack of ability to express themselves is coming to a head.
What an ideal time for David to start the pukes! He has thrown up twice tonight in his bed, I've stripped the bed twice. I just layed some towels down in there as I suspect it's going to be a long night.
And it seems as though Green Beret's visit yesterday was all it took to put the fear of God into William. Just today, he has started saying "DDDDDeh!" for "Dee" (We call David "D") and he was trying to say shoe earlier, although I am the only person who would ever be able to tell that was what he was saying. Maybe we are turning a corner. It sure would be a nice change of pace as the whining and tantruming are starting to occur with more frequency as their strong desire to communicate their needs and their lack of ability to express themselves is coming to a head.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Speech evaluation, part I.
So, our speech evaluation was this morning. It did not start out on a great note as the Coordinator (not sure if she's a social worker or nurse, but sort of doubt it as "Coordinator" was her business card title) showed up in her white Mercedes exactly one half hour earlier than scheduled. She did call from the car and ask if that was alright, so I obliged, even though the boys were in the middle of breakfast and I was still in my PJ's. Oh well, time for Coordinator J. to get a taste of the boys' "natural" surroundings. She seemed competent enough, but as she checked out my house (freshly cleaned, I might add) I could not help but feel just the teensy-eensiest amount of Judgement. I suppose that goes with the territory for an evaluation in general, judging from the types of questions on the endless intake forms I had to fill out. I can only imagine the level of delay they typically evaluate; children born profoundly premature, drug addicted or suffering from severely debilitating delays.
From the moment she walked in, William was immediately repelled by her. Maybe it was her intimidating horn rimmed glasses, maybe it was her high, sporty leather boots or maybe it was her festive green beret, but William spent most of the morning giving her the *stink eye* and clinging to me, occasionally looking to make sure she wasn't getting close to him. David, on the other hand, was flirting with her and borderline showing off. It was like the two of them reversed personalities, which they have been known to do.
She spent the next hour and a half observing and asking a litany of questions, ranging from clearly relevant (when they hit major milestones, major illnesses, responsiveness, receptive language, birth weights, etc.) to the superfluous (What are David's "strengths" and "favorite things?) It took everything I had inside me to prevent me from responding with a snarky - "Well, David is a sharp little fella who prefers a fresh Lucerne Vitamin D vintage in an Avent or Born Free bottle, a banana that is just about to turn the corner into turning brown, waffles with butter and syrup, his pink Ortho-Pro pacifier - not the blue one or orange one, only the pink one - and anything having to do dinosaurs or birds."
All in all, I think J. got the information she needed. Being the self professed Control Freak that I am, I tried to feel her out as to what her opinion was. She responded with a short, "I don't think this was an unreasonable referral." Okaaaaaay. So, I'm not totally neurotic? She indicated that the boys would probably qualify as having a moderate speech delay, but it will be up to the doctor who evaluates them in a few weeks to make that final decision. And being toddlers on the verge of new words, they may have 5 new words in a few weeks, which would change the ballgame entirely.
We shall see how it all shakes down.
Tonight is Sofia's pre-school Christmas show. The new camera is charged and ready. Between the show and the recent familial visit and cousin birthday party, fluff will be forthcoming.
From the moment she walked in, William was immediately repelled by her. Maybe it was her intimidating horn rimmed glasses, maybe it was her high, sporty leather boots or maybe it was her festive green beret, but William spent most of the morning giving her the *stink eye* and clinging to me, occasionally looking to make sure she wasn't getting close to him. David, on the other hand, was flirting with her and borderline showing off. It was like the two of them reversed personalities, which they have been known to do.
She spent the next hour and a half observing and asking a litany of questions, ranging from clearly relevant (when they hit major milestones, major illnesses, responsiveness, receptive language, birth weights, etc.) to the superfluous (What are David's "strengths" and "favorite things?) It took everything I had inside me to prevent me from responding with a snarky - "Well, David is a sharp little fella who prefers a fresh Lucerne Vitamin D vintage in an Avent or Born Free bottle, a banana that is just about to turn the corner into turning brown, waffles with butter and syrup, his pink Ortho-Pro pacifier - not the blue one or orange one, only the pink one - and anything having to do dinosaurs or birds."
All in all, I think J. got the information she needed. Being the self professed Control Freak that I am, I tried to feel her out as to what her opinion was. She responded with a short, "I don't think this was an unreasonable referral." Okaaaaaay. So, I'm not totally neurotic? She indicated that the boys would probably qualify as having a moderate speech delay, but it will be up to the doctor who evaluates them in a few weeks to make that final decision. And being toddlers on the verge of new words, they may have 5 new words in a few weeks, which would change the ballgame entirely.
We shall see how it all shakes down.
Tonight is Sofia's pre-school Christmas show. The new camera is charged and ready. Between the show and the recent familial visit and cousin birthday party, fluff will be forthcoming.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Way-Back Wednesday

William: 12 months
Curled up with his binkie and his lovey, draped in sunlight, this photo brings me to tears as I watch my baby turn the corner into toddlerhood and beyond.
Idea from Twinfatuation, check it out!
I'll preface this post by saying Sofia has 5 male cousins, ages 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 and one female cousin, age 2.5.
On the way in to work this morning, I asked her if she wanted to go visit her cousins Aiden and Delaney for their birthday and she said (quite emphatically) "Delaney is not my cousin! She's a girl!!!"
I can't argue with that logic, but I did tenderly set her straight on what a cousin is.
So we're off to visit the cousins (they live 2.5 hours away) for an overnight trip. The cousins (age 2.5 and 4) both have December birthdays, so a joint celebration has been the standard. We're spending the night at the brother in law's house, a palatial spread (I exaggerate, but not by much - 2800 sq feet on an acre with a guest house.) Unfortunately, it's too cold for us to sleep in the guest house (pellet stove - toddlers - not a good mix) but a good time is always had by all when the cousins get together. (Have I mentioned how freakin' cold it is here? I know, Californians are wimps.)
Of course, the amount of gear that I have to bring for an overnight stay is borderline absurd, but that is just the way it is. Pack and play, blankets, bottles, binkies, PJ's, medicines, presents, I could go on.
We'll be back Thursday evening at which time I'm quite sure I'll have lots of amazing photos to share as my new camera that I totally had no business buying arrived Monday.
If we're lucky, we may even see snow!
On the way in to work this morning, I asked her if she wanted to go visit her cousins Aiden and Delaney for their birthday and she said (quite emphatically) "Delaney is not my cousin! She's a girl!!!"
I can't argue with that logic, but I did tenderly set her straight on what a cousin is.
So we're off to visit the cousins (they live 2.5 hours away) for an overnight trip. The cousins (age 2.5 and 4) both have December birthdays, so a joint celebration has been the standard. We're spending the night at the brother in law's house, a palatial spread (I exaggerate, but not by much - 2800 sq feet on an acre with a guest house.) Unfortunately, it's too cold for us to sleep in the guest house (pellet stove - toddlers - not a good mix) but a good time is always had by all when the cousins get together. (Have I mentioned how freakin' cold it is here? I know, Californians are wimps.)
Of course, the amount of gear that I have to bring for an overnight stay is borderline absurd, but that is just the way it is. Pack and play, blankets, bottles, binkies, PJ's, medicines, presents, I could go on.
We'll be back Thursday evening at which time I'm quite sure I'll have lots of amazing photos to share as my new camera that I totally had no business buying arrived Monday.
If we're lucky, we may even see snow!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Burgermeister, Go Away!
So the decision has been made. Jobs are going to be cut. Just like that, poof! Full time employees will be given the news that none of them suspect is coming.
They are holding off until after the holidays, bless their hearts.
This is major. My company has never had to lay off people. It has me concerned for the people who have yet to receive their pink slips, for my own job security, for my company's solvency, for the country.
I'm told I'm safe, for now. I'm trying to keep my head up high and just take it one day at a time, but I have sharpened up my resume...just in case.
To say it's cast a pall over the holidays this year would be an understatement. I know, get on board, the train 'done left' the station a while ago.
I'm trying not to let that pesky Burgermeister in, but he just keeps pushing!
They are holding off until after the holidays, bless their hearts.
This is major. My company has never had to lay off people. It has me concerned for the people who have yet to receive their pink slips, for my own job security, for my company's solvency, for the country.
I'm told I'm safe, for now. I'm trying to keep my head up high and just take it one day at a time, but I have sharpened up my resume...just in case.
To say it's cast a pall over the holidays this year would be an understatement. I know, get on board, the train 'done left' the station a while ago.
I'm trying not to let that pesky Burgermeister in, but he just keeps pushing!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Let it Snow, Ok?
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, if not look like it. Snow has now come on to the radar of possibility. Normally, that would be laughable in California, but honestly, with the low temp heading into the 30's tonight and a nasty storm on the way, it is not improbable. At the risk of sounding like a quaint Californian, I really, really, really want to see some snow!! And by snow, I mean a dusting of ice that quickly melts.
I remember it snowing once in my childhood in the 70's and again in the 90's. It could happen.
Behold the fruits of my Christmas, merry making labors. I will not quit my day job to take up gingerbread-house-decorating, in case you were thinking I might.

I remember it snowing once in my childhood in the 70's and again in the 90's. It could happen.
Behold the fruits of my Christmas, merry making labors. I will not quit my day job to take up gingerbread-house-decorating, in case you were thinking I might.
So, the sickies have navigated to Sofia and Steve is gobbling Airbourne.
This may throw a wrench in all the holiday festivities planned this week, but that's ok. I was kind of feeling like there was a bit too much on the mommy plate anyway.
Despite the aforementioned sickies, it was a a low key weekend, full of rain, a few hail storms and lots of jumping in puddles - highlighted by a visit to our local library. This is beginning to become a Sunday staple, which I enjoy. Typically, there are no less than 20 people in the sad, outdated little coastal library. Yesterday, I was barely able to get a parking spot.
When we entered, I understood why. I heard some a plaintive wail & harpsichord emanating from the main section of the library. All the NPR loving locals were crowded in seats in rows of 10, clearly mesmerized by this other-wordly sound. Turns out - lucky us - we had stumbled across a visiting Gaelic trio. "Ireland-born singer and songwriter Mary XXX, a teacher and performer steeped in Gaelic musical tradition, brings plenty of that to XXX when she visits to perform “A Gaelic Christmas."
Don't get me wrong - I was raised by a Irish Catholic, working class, Scotch/Irish immigrant family. I appreciate Gaelic. I do. But when I'm just trying to pick out some Sesame Street DVD's and a few engaging books for my 3 year old, the shrill wailing was resonating like nails on the chalkboard. Suffice it to say the high pitchiness caused us to high tail it out of there.
That was "weally weird music, Mom," Said Sofia upon our exit. Touche, my little one, touche.
This may throw a wrench in all the holiday festivities planned this week, but that's ok. I was kind of feeling like there was a bit too much on the mommy plate anyway.
Despite the aforementioned sickies, it was a a low key weekend, full of rain, a few hail storms and lots of jumping in puddles - highlighted by a visit to our local library. This is beginning to become a Sunday staple, which I enjoy. Typically, there are no less than 20 people in the sad, outdated little coastal library. Yesterday, I was barely able to get a parking spot.
When we entered, I understood why. I heard some a plaintive wail & harpsichord emanating from the main section of the library. All the NPR loving locals were crowded in seats in rows of 10, clearly mesmerized by this other-wordly sound. Turns out - lucky us - we had stumbled across a visiting Gaelic trio. "Ireland-born singer and songwriter Mary XXX, a teacher and performer steeped in Gaelic musical tradition, brings plenty of that to XXX when she visits to perform “A Gaelic Christmas."
Don't get me wrong - I was raised by a Irish Catholic, working class, Scotch/Irish immigrant family. I appreciate Gaelic. I do. But when I'm just trying to pick out some Sesame Street DVD's and a few engaging books for my 3 year old, the shrill wailing was resonating like nails on the chalkboard. Suffice it to say the high pitchiness caused us to high tail it out of there.
That was "weally weird music, Mom," Said Sofia upon our exit. Touche, my little one, touche.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Smells Like Bad Cheese in Here
Steve and I had an enjoyable date night on Thursday. We really should do that more often.
4 Christmases was pretty funny - Vaughn and Witherspoon were great. It was short too, perfect! I really want to see Milk, but it hadn't started yet and Steve is not the person I'd ideally like to see it with as he despises Sean Penn (political). I have a lot of nostalgia (for lack of a better term) surrounding the whole Milk thing as I remember all of it growing up in San Francisco in the 70's. I remember the day it happened. I was probably in 5th grade and I will never forget the look of horror on the teacher's faces as word spread that Milk had been shot. That day, the day of the Jonestown massacre and the day Elvis died are seared into my memory for some reason. In college, I watched an excellent documentary on Milk - the professor was friends with the director - I will definitely be going to see that one on the big screen.
So, William was pukemeister Dubbya today. He's not vomited since he used to projectile spit-up as a baby, so was freaked out every time. I've been really lucky with the puke scene, haven't had a whole lot of that with my kids. I think Sofia has thrown up maybe 3 times in her 3 years. In any case, I can't seem to get the smell of bad cheese off of me, despite having showered. Ewwwwwwww. You know your a mom when you smell like bad cheese.
Just got through decorating probably the saddest looking Gingerbread house I've ever seen, with the help of Sofia. Really, it is a pathetic mess. Decorative icing? Not my forte. Clearly. Once I have a working camera, I will share my masterpiece.
Most of my presents are wrapped, thank god. I still have to put together the dollhouse for Sofia and push buggies for the boys as I want them assembled and waiting for the kids when they wake Christmas morning.
4 Christmases was pretty funny - Vaughn and Witherspoon were great. It was short too, perfect! I really want to see Milk, but it hadn't started yet and Steve is not the person I'd ideally like to see it with as he despises Sean Penn (political). I have a lot of nostalgia (for lack of a better term) surrounding the whole Milk thing as I remember all of it growing up in San Francisco in the 70's. I remember the day it happened. I was probably in 5th grade and I will never forget the look of horror on the teacher's faces as word spread that Milk had been shot. That day, the day of the Jonestown massacre and the day Elvis died are seared into my memory for some reason. In college, I watched an excellent documentary on Milk - the professor was friends with the director - I will definitely be going to see that one on the big screen.
So, William was pukemeister Dubbya today. He's not vomited since he used to projectile spit-up as a baby, so was freaked out every time. I've been really lucky with the puke scene, haven't had a whole lot of that with my kids. I think Sofia has thrown up maybe 3 times in her 3 years. In any case, I can't seem to get the smell of bad cheese off of me, despite having showered. Ewwwwwwww. You know your a mom when you smell like bad cheese.
Just got through decorating probably the saddest looking Gingerbread house I've ever seen, with the help of Sofia. Really, it is a pathetic mess. Decorative icing? Not my forte. Clearly. Once I have a working camera, I will share my masterpiece.
Most of my presents are wrapped, thank god. I still have to put together the dollhouse for Sofia and push buggies for the boys as I want them assembled and waiting for the kids when they wake Christmas morning.
Poop & Puke and Snot, Oh My
We've got projectile puke, explosive diapers and snots galore. The little kid trifecta. I'm about to dry heave myself thinking about it. Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer are my friends.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bah Humbug
So, I am still digesting the news of yesterday.
This was told to Steve on Friday, so he sat on it all weekend. I had no idea. I hate that he didn't tell me sooner. In any case, he went to his boss on Monday and let him know that he was very caught off guard, but was now ready to discuss, ready to ramp up performance, whatever he needed to do. His boss assured him that it wasn't a performance based decision, but a market based decision. It sounds like the company is having a bit of a credit crisis. The commodity my husband works in has dropped drastically in price in the last 3 months. While this has been fabulous for most of the population, for his company, notsomuch. The boss was even talking about laying off the office manager, who has been there forever.
I guess my main concern isn't the pay cut, although that stinks, but the prospect of him getting laid off. I am starting to think the handwriting is on the wall there. I told him we'd better polish up his resume...
In the meantime, I think we'll be fine. We clearly need to get our other house rented out soon. It's got a few more finishing touches and it could be ready in a week, but realistically, with the holidays looming, it's looking more like January.
I could cut back on one day of Sofia's pre-school. She doesn't have to go 3 days a week. I could get rid of one of our televisons (we have 3). I could start selling things on craigslist and ebay. And yes, this will mean buh-bye to the cleaning lady.
I can't really complain. I know so many people (in real life and in cyberspace) who are struggling with layoffs, forced unpaid leave, pay cuts, departments being eliminated, etc. This is affecting everyone, from every walk of life. We are no different.
We'll see how it all shakes down. As my friend Shelli so eloquently said in her blog - Burgermeister Meisterburger is not going to rain on my parade.
In more festive news, I now have a decorated Christmas tree. Sofia was actually more help than hindrance, imagine that!! I hesitate to even say that, but at 3.75 years old, I am starting to see the tiniest glimmer of maturity in her. We'll see how long it lasts.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Getting to Know You Meme
Meme, tagged, here it is. :)
1..Where is your cell phone? In my purse.
2. Where is your significant other? In the garage (a.k.a. "Man Cave")
3. Your hair color? Blonde, highlighted.
4. Your mother? Deceased - 2004
5. Your father? Deceased - 2006
6. Your favorite thing? Writing.
7. Your dream last night? That I saw the moon, but it was blue and it exploded. In the dream, I was Geena Davis and was living in a bachelorette pad and going out and partying with various dudes.
8. Your dream/goal? To be a working freelance writer.
9. The room you’re in? Our family room.
10. Your hobby? Photography.
11. Your fear? Something happening to my husband or children.
12. Where do you want to be in six years? A working writer.
13. Where were you last night? Home.
14. What you’re not? Patient.
15. One of your wish list items? Something I just bought - a digital SLR.
16. Where you grew up? In and around San Francisco
17. The last thing you did? Put our Xmas tree in its stand.
18. What are you wearing? PJ pants and a black tee shirt.
19. Your T.V.? Lost, DWTS, most VH1 reality, E reality, MTV reality, The Office, SNL, most cable news.
20. Your pets? 3 cats
21. Your computer? Compaq Presario C700
22. Your mood? *eh*
23. Missing someone? My dad
24. Your car? White Honda Odyssey
25. Something you’re not wearing? Skinny jeans. If you saw me, you'd see why.
26. Favorite store? Anything online that has a discount and a promo code.
27. Your Summer? it was ok
28. Love someone? Uh...yeah...
29. Your favorite color? Periwinkle
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today. I asked my 21 mo old for a kiss and he snorted "NO!" like a crazyperson
31. Last time you cried? Tonight, when my husband told me he was being asked to take a pay cut...
Anyone who reads this, consider yourself tagged. ;)
1..Where is your cell phone? In my purse.
2. Where is your significant other? In the garage (a.k.a. "Man Cave")
3. Your hair color? Blonde, highlighted.
4. Your mother? Deceased - 2004
5. Your father? Deceased - 2006
6. Your favorite thing? Writing.
7. Your dream last night? That I saw the moon, but it was blue and it exploded. In the dream, I was Geena Davis and was living in a bachelorette pad and going out and partying with various dudes.
8. Your dream/goal? To be a working freelance writer.
9. The room you’re in? Our family room.
10. Your hobby? Photography.
11. Your fear? Something happening to my husband or children.
12. Where do you want to be in six years? A working writer.
13. Where were you last night? Home.
14. What you’re not? Patient.
15. One of your wish list items? Something I just bought - a digital SLR.
16. Where you grew up? In and around San Francisco
17. The last thing you did? Put our Xmas tree in its stand.
18. What are you wearing? PJ pants and a black tee shirt.
19. Your T.V.? Lost, DWTS, most VH1 reality, E reality, MTV reality, The Office, SNL, most cable news.
20. Your pets? 3 cats
21. Your computer? Compaq Presario C700
22. Your mood? *eh*
23. Missing someone? My dad
24. Your car? White Honda Odyssey
25. Something you’re not wearing? Skinny jeans. If you saw me, you'd see why.
26. Favorite store? Anything online that has a discount and a promo code.
27. Your Summer? it was ok
28. Love someone? Uh...yeah...
29. Your favorite color? Periwinkle
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today. I asked my 21 mo old for a kiss and he snorted "NO!" like a crazyperson
31. Last time you cried? Tonight, when my husband told me he was being asked to take a pay cut...
Anyone who reads this, consider yourself tagged. ;)
So, yeah. I was all worried about my work asking me to take a pay cut. Got totally blindsided. My husband's company has now asked him to take a pay cut.
Ay-yi-yi. Didn't see that one coming.
Ay-yi-yi. Didn't see that one coming.
Speech evaluation
So, the social worker called me to schedule a speech evaluation for the boys. It's now on the calendar for next week...It's not a great week as we are going out of town overnight for niece/nephew birthday party and Sofia's pre-school Christmas show is Friday night, followed by a holiday party of a friend of mine's...
There will also be a 1 hr doctor evaluation for each boy, scheduled for January...
She is sending me a packet of info for me to fill out. I had to laugh - in the meantime, she told me to make a list of their words. I told her that would be a very short list - 2-3 words, if that.
We'll see if they qualify...
There will also be a 1 hr doctor evaluation for each boy, scheduled for January...
She is sending me a packet of info for me to fill out. I had to laugh - in the meantime, she told me to make a list of their words. I told her that would be a very short list - 2-3 words, if that.
We'll see if they qualify...
Mommy Gut
So my sister in law (day care provider) called me at around 3 yesterday to tell me that D was acting incredibly fussy, tugging on his ear, etc. I came home from work to a total mess of a baby, hysterically crying, inconsolable, eyes glazed over, tugging on his ear. I asked him if his ear had "owie" and he cried harder, acknowledged this in his little baby language.
So, we headed down to our little Coastside ER. It's a small facility about 10 minutes from my house. It was totally empty so we didn't have to wait, which is always good with an inconsolable toddler. I'm not sure I'd want to go there if I had a life threatening emergency, but for a situation like this, it was fine.
As I suspected, he has a raging ear infection.
The doc said she "doesn't think" it's ruptured (saw blood). I knew I should have stayed home yesterday. I know it would not have made a difference, but he needed me and I should have listened to my gut. Suffice it to say, there is lots of mom guilty filling my head today.
Fortunately, Motrin and Abx have seemed to help quite a bit, so I'm hopeful he won't be in such pain today. He's been off since the weekend, I knew it. Please remind me to always listen to the mommy instinct...
So, we headed down to our little Coastside ER. It's a small facility about 10 minutes from my house. It was totally empty so we didn't have to wait, which is always good with an inconsolable toddler. I'm not sure I'd want to go there if I had a life threatening emergency, but for a situation like this, it was fine.
As I suspected, he has a raging ear infection.
The doc said she "doesn't think" it's ruptured (saw blood). I knew I should have stayed home yesterday. I know it would not have made a difference, but he needed me and I should have listened to my gut. Suffice it to say, there is lots of mom guilty filling my head today.
Fortunately, Motrin and Abx have seemed to help quite a bit, so I'm hopeful he won't be in such pain today. He's been off since the weekend, I knew it. Please remind me to always listen to the mommy instinct...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Flashback - Sofia's 1st Christmas
Weight Watchers Breakfast Sandwiches
In my quest to lose some of this ridiculous weight I'm dragging around, I'm trying to eat mostly Weight Watchers meals, salads and fruit. I don't have time to think very much about what I'm eating, so convenience is key for me right now.
I'd like to share my favorite item of the moment. The Weight Watchers Breakfast Sandwiches are the bomb. Seriously, they are yummy and only 4 points!! I have the freezer at work stocked with them.
I'd like to share my favorite item of the moment. The Weight Watchers Breakfast Sandwiches are the bomb. Seriously, they are yummy and only 4 points!! I have the freezer at work stocked with them.
A Full Night's Sleep
So, yey. The Fee Fi Fo Monster did not come calling last night. I think it may have had something to do with my turning the heat off (the heater sounds like a jet plane taking off and I think it's waking her up when it clicks on) which was great other than the near freezing temps in the house this morning. I could see my breath in the air and there were icicles forming on my coffee cup (not really, I exaggerate, but it was pretty cold.)
Mostly, I think it was the prospect of some of this for breakfast that did the trick. I'm not above bribery to get some sleep.
Mostly, I think it was the prospect of some of this for breakfast that did the trick. I'm not above bribery to get some sleep.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Lest you think you have stumbled across the wrong blog, alas, it is me.
I'm clearly obsessed with fine tuning this here blog. Tinkering until I get it right.
I love the look of sheer desperation in the cartoon mom's face, it's a look I am all too familiar with. Anyone with 2 or 3 or more small children will recognize that look. They will also know that having one kid on the hip and another clutching your leg is not an exaggeration, but an all too often reality.
Off to bed. I'm hopeful that the wee hours of the morning will not involve a nebulizer treatment or a visit from the talking shadow and/or the Fee Fi Fo Monster.
I'm clearly obsessed with fine tuning this here blog. Tinkering until I get it right.
I love the look of sheer desperation in the cartoon mom's face, it's a look I am all too familiar with. Anyone with 2 or 3 or more small children will recognize that look. They will also know that having one kid on the hip and another clutching your leg is not an exaggeration, but an all too often reality.
Off to bed. I'm hopeful that the wee hours of the morning will not involve a nebulizer treatment or a visit from the talking shadow and/or the Fee Fi Fo Monster.
Jora's Birthay Party
A few pics of the birthday party yesterday.
David having his cake and eating it too. (showing off his new jacked up haircut of a week ago. The gal used the clippers, the clippers for pete's sake! Poor kid looks like Alfalfa, big time)

William seeking cake.
Where's the cake? They said there'd be cake! I'm ready for cake now. I'm even wearing a silly hat!! No, really. Cake? Now? Please?
David having his cake and eating it too. (showing off his new jacked up haircut of a week ago. The gal used the clippers, the clippers for pete's sake! Poor kid looks like Alfalfa, big time)
William seeking cake.
Where's the cake? They said there'd be cake! I'm ready for cake now. I'm even wearing a silly hat!! No, really. Cake? Now? Please?
Monday sucks
Not sure if it's the weaning off Zoloft or what, but am incredibly down today.
Started the day very concerned about David's breathing. Once again, my 5 a.m. visitor came in bed with me and was chatting loudly, so woke the boys. She was telling me in great detail how she saw a shadow but realized it was only her doll highchair, so wasn't scared, that it hadn't "talked" to her as the other shadow had.
At 6 a.m, I got up and got ready for work, vascilating the whole time between staying home and going in. The boys woke around 6:30 a.m. and I immediately took David for his first nebulizer treatment of the day, with him crying and fighting me the whole way. He seemed ok after that, so I decided to go in to work. I had already taken Friday off and with all that is going on in our company, I didn't want to appear as if I just don't care anymore.
It was tough, though. He cried hysterically as I left and I could hear him crying as I got in the car. William, on the other hand, waved goodbye to me from the window. My heart literally broke in half and spilled out on the street as I drove away. Every mom muscle inside me wanted to turn that car around. But I can't. It's a total catch 22. We need good health insurance. For us to have good health insurance, I have to work 30 hours a week. I am lucky that I am given the opportunity to work 30 hours a week and have family to watch the kids, I keep reminding myself of that in moments like this. That said, I cried all the way to work.
As soon as I get to work, my boss tells me we need to meet after the sales meeting. I get this sick feeling in my tummy. During our meeting, I'm informed that we need to cut staff hours, so that means reception will be cut to 4 hours a day. I'm concerned how they will take this news and of course, how this will affect me. I barely want to be here anymore as it is and the way it's looking, I may be required to be a little more flexible with my schedule, required to take on more work, when at times, this is the last place I want to be.
Again, glad to have a job, but at some point very soon, I think I may need to look at all my options for this next year. I feel like I am missing so much with the boys. I feel like David needs me. I'm beyond torn up about this. There has got to be a way I can stay home and still have insurance. I just have to figure it all out. I could join Steve's insurance (Kaiser) but that makes me very nervous. Still, it's an option.
Then again, I'd be giving up contributing to my 401K - which is part of my future solvency. Brutally honest, Steve is 48 years old and there will be a time (hopefully not for many, many, many, decades) that I may be alone with 3 kids. I hate to think like that, but I am a pragmatist.
Oh joy, what a wonderful day.
Started the day very concerned about David's breathing. Once again, my 5 a.m. visitor came in bed with me and was chatting loudly, so woke the boys. She was telling me in great detail how she saw a shadow but realized it was only her doll highchair, so wasn't scared, that it hadn't "talked" to her as the other shadow had.
At 6 a.m, I got up and got ready for work, vascilating the whole time between staying home and going in. The boys woke around 6:30 a.m. and I immediately took David for his first nebulizer treatment of the day, with him crying and fighting me the whole way. He seemed ok after that, so I decided to go in to work. I had already taken Friday off and with all that is going on in our company, I didn't want to appear as if I just don't care anymore.
It was tough, though. He cried hysterically as I left and I could hear him crying as I got in the car. William, on the other hand, waved goodbye to me from the window. My heart literally broke in half and spilled out on the street as I drove away. Every mom muscle inside me wanted to turn that car around. But I can't. It's a total catch 22. We need good health insurance. For us to have good health insurance, I have to work 30 hours a week. I am lucky that I am given the opportunity to work 30 hours a week and have family to watch the kids, I keep reminding myself of that in moments like this. That said, I cried all the way to work.
As soon as I get to work, my boss tells me we need to meet after the sales meeting. I get this sick feeling in my tummy. During our meeting, I'm informed that we need to cut staff hours, so that means reception will be cut to 4 hours a day. I'm concerned how they will take this news and of course, how this will affect me. I barely want to be here anymore as it is and the way it's looking, I may be required to be a little more flexible with my schedule, required to take on more work, when at times, this is the last place I want to be.
Again, glad to have a job, but at some point very soon, I think I may need to look at all my options for this next year. I feel like I am missing so much with the boys. I feel like David needs me. I'm beyond torn up about this. There has got to be a way I can stay home and still have insurance. I just have to figure it all out. I could join Steve's insurance (Kaiser) but that makes me very nervous. Still, it's an option.
Then again, I'd be giving up contributing to my 401K - which is part of my future solvency. Brutally honest, Steve is 48 years old and there will be a time (hopefully not for many, many, many, decades) that I may be alone with 3 kids. I hate to think like that, but I am a pragmatist.
Oh joy, what a wonderful day.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Enfant de Juicy
You know the *Millenials* are having babies when the hottest diaper bag around is by Juice Couture. Honestly, I am feeling really old right about now. I like cute diaper bags as much as the next hipster mom, but I'm a little more old school and a lot less The Hills when it comes to by baby related accessories.
Ah, Sofia
Sofia has announced that she is Hannah Montana Sofia Rock Star.
She came in the room while I was watching Rock of Love Charm School, took one look at Lacey and said she wanted to be the red person. She then said "What the heck are you watching, Mommy?"
Alrighty then.
We went grocery shopping late this afternoon and for some insane reason, I brought Sofia with me. After a quick trip to the library, we headed for Safeway. She wasn't too bad, thanks to a nap, but when we got in line to check out, it was rather crowded and she was apparently kicking an old lady's cart who was (if I do say so myself) a little too close to us.
I was busily arranging my items on the conveyer belt (anyone who reads my blog knows I'm a wee bit anal about this) so wasn't paying attention. The old lady said "Hey! Don't kick my cart!"
I immediately stopped what I was doing and reprimanded Sofia with a terse, "Sofia, please do not kick the cart..."
A minute later, I hear the lady say "Kick your own cart!" a little bit bitchier than I thought necessary. She went on a bit and I cut her off with a "She's just a little girl..." Of course, she immediately backed off.
I felt sort of bad for a moment, but she was just a cranky old lady and she was standing too damn close to us.
Sofia then proceeded to cough her croupy cough right in the woman's personal space. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
Take that, old biddy.
I'm going to hell, I'm sure of it.
She came in the room while I was watching Rock of Love Charm School, took one look at Lacey and said she wanted to be the red person. She then said "What the heck are you watching, Mommy?"
Alrighty then.
We went grocery shopping late this afternoon and for some insane reason, I brought Sofia with me. After a quick trip to the library, we headed for Safeway. She wasn't too bad, thanks to a nap, but when we got in line to check out, it was rather crowded and she was apparently kicking an old lady's cart who was (if I do say so myself) a little too close to us.
I was busily arranging my items on the conveyer belt (anyone who reads my blog knows I'm a wee bit anal about this) so wasn't paying attention. The old lady said "Hey! Don't kick my cart!"
I immediately stopped what I was doing and reprimanded Sofia with a terse, "Sofia, please do not kick the cart..."
A minute later, I hear the lady say "Kick your own cart!" a little bit bitchier than I thought necessary. She went on a bit and I cut her off with a "She's just a little girl..." Of course, she immediately backed off.
I felt sort of bad for a moment, but she was just a cranky old lady and she was standing too damn close to us.
Sofia then proceeded to cough her croupy cough right in the woman's personal space. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
Take that, old biddy.
I'm going to hell, I'm sure of it.
Words, Asthma & the Return of the Fee Fi Fo Monster
So, David didn't wake up during the night needing a Nebulizer treatment, so that was good.
Unfortunately, the Fee Fi Fo Monster is back, so I was greeted by Sofia at 3 a.m, wanting to get in bed with me. We really need a bigger bed. That's not likely to happen, so in the meantime, I once again, dragged her mattress in our bedroom and plopped it on the floor.
This made her happy, laying sort of next to me, insisting that I face her until she fall asleep. Just as I was drifting off, I hear her say "I lay there, close my eyes, waiting for you to come and give me my treatment and you never came..." (I had promised her I'd give her a nebulizer treatment after I gave David one, but she was asleep and there was no way I was waking her.)
Only my kid would look forward to taking her medicine. She actually scurries around saying "It's time for my treatment!"
I woke up to Sofia's little voice saying "Mommy? Why is your boob sticking out?" And there it was, my boob had completely popped out of my shirt, in all its 3-kids-and-various-weight-fluctuations-glory.
The morning has been...interesting. David has been understandingly clingy and very OCD. He has to have his favorite pink binky in his mouth, his favorite blue binky in his right hand and various items in the left hand. For a while, it was my Exergen temperal scanner, then it was a little car, then it was a sippy with juice.
We played stickers for a while. Sofia took great delight in placing stickers all over my chest. She seems a little obsessed with my chestal region today, I wonder why.
Then, we did a nebulizer treatment on all 3 kids. William was a rock star, holding the piece on his own and keeping it in his mouth the whole time. Teething and nebulizer treatments definitely mix.
After that, we all looked at picture books and learned some words. Sofia was getting a little too aggressive, basically trying to take over and demanding we turn the page on her timetable, so I warned her to stop. She then said..."I don't wuv you!"
"What?" Knife in my chest.
"I wike you...but I don't wuv you..." she exclaimed, then slowly broke out in a grin, knowing she was saying something very shocking and/or innappropriate.
If I had a dime for every time I heard that and said that back in my single years, well, let's just say I'd be a very rich woman. I never thought I'd hear it from my 3 year old daughter and have absolutely no idea where she heard it. I thought it was pretty ironic that in the midst of teaching the boys words, I had some hurtful ones thrown at me. A more enlightened mom might have sat and explained that it's ok to have those feelings, but that it hurts mommy to hear her say that. Feeling impatient, sleepy and nursing a headache, I was not quite that enlightened.
"Please don't say that, it's not nice," was my terse response. I think she got the message.
So, that takes us to the present. All 3 are napping and I could be cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping for that matter, but I'm feeling a bit lazy, so I've shut myself into my bedroom and plan on reading and watching cable news. Good times.
Unfortunately, the Fee Fi Fo Monster is back, so I was greeted by Sofia at 3 a.m, wanting to get in bed with me. We really need a bigger bed. That's not likely to happen, so in the meantime, I once again, dragged her mattress in our bedroom and plopped it on the floor.
This made her happy, laying sort of next to me, insisting that I face her until she fall asleep. Just as I was drifting off, I hear her say "I lay there, close my eyes, waiting for you to come and give me my treatment and you never came..." (I had promised her I'd give her a nebulizer treatment after I gave David one, but she was asleep and there was no way I was waking her.)
Only my kid would look forward to taking her medicine. She actually scurries around saying "It's time for my treatment!"
I woke up to Sofia's little voice saying "Mommy? Why is your boob sticking out?" And there it was, my boob had completely popped out of my shirt, in all its 3-kids-and-various-weight-fluctuations-glory.
The morning has been...interesting. David has been understandingly clingy and very OCD. He has to have his favorite pink binky in his mouth, his favorite blue binky in his right hand and various items in the left hand. For a while, it was my Exergen temperal scanner, then it was a little car, then it was a sippy with juice.
We played stickers for a while. Sofia took great delight in placing stickers all over my chest. She seems a little obsessed with my chestal region today, I wonder why.
Then, we did a nebulizer treatment on all 3 kids. William was a rock star, holding the piece on his own and keeping it in his mouth the whole time. Teething and nebulizer treatments definitely mix.
After that, we all looked at picture books and learned some words. Sofia was getting a little too aggressive, basically trying to take over and demanding we turn the page on her timetable, so I warned her to stop. She then said..."I don't wuv you!"
"What?" Knife in my chest.
"I wike you...but I don't wuv you..." she exclaimed, then slowly broke out in a grin, knowing she was saying something very shocking and/or innappropriate.
If I had a dime for every time I heard that and said that back in my single years, well, let's just say I'd be a very rich woman. I never thought I'd hear it from my 3 year old daughter and have absolutely no idea where she heard it. I thought it was pretty ironic that in the midst of teaching the boys words, I had some hurtful ones thrown at me. A more enlightened mom might have sat and explained that it's ok to have those feelings, but that it hurts mommy to hear her say that. Feeling impatient, sleepy and nursing a headache, I was not quite that enlightened.
"Please don't say that, it's not nice," was my terse response. I think she got the message.
So, that takes us to the present. All 3 are napping and I could be cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping for that matter, but I'm feeling a bit lazy, so I've shut myself into my bedroom and plan on reading and watching cable news. Good times.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A typical Saturday
So, all 3 kids have a croupy cough. They have been fine, it just came on all of a sudden. I just finished giving David a nebulizer treatment, poor little guy can't breathe. He gets really upset when he's sick because it hinders his ability to enjoy his binky.
The birthday party today was quite fun. All the kids took an early nap which enabled us to leave on time and arrive on time. I have realized lately that I always leave "early" and arrive on time. That is life with 3 kids for you.
The boys and Sofia were in good spirits, due to their aforementioned nap, so that was good.
The birthday party today was quite fun. All the kids took an early nap which enabled us to leave on time and arrive on time. I have realized lately that I always leave "early" and arrive on time. That is life with 3 kids for you.
The boys and Sofia were in good spirits, due to their aforementioned nap, so that was good.
So, today we are going to a birthday party. I'm excited as I've never been to the venue before and it sounds fun.
Yesterday, I sat with the boys and a big picture book and went through lots of different items and sounds and David tried to say "car, ball, truck," and William's new word for the day is "go..." So, they are making some progress.
In the afternoon, I took David to the local pediatrician (as opposed to their "regular" pedi who is an hour away) as David has a bit of a cough and I wanted to get some asthma meds. I picked his brain on the speech issue as he tends to be less conservative than their regular pedi.
He seemed to think it was a good idea as they may need a little help moving their speech along. He said he wasn't worried about any social issues with David as he clearly understood what was going on and had a "sparkle in his eye." Yeah, that's my boy.
I'm hoping we can get a tree this weekend as well. We shall see.
Yesterday, I sat with the boys and a big picture book and went through lots of different items and sounds and David tried to say "car, ball, truck," and William's new word for the day is "go..." So, they are making some progress.
In the afternoon, I took David to the local pediatrician (as opposed to their "regular" pedi who is an hour away) as David has a bit of a cough and I wanted to get some asthma meds. I picked his brain on the speech issue as he tends to be less conservative than their regular pedi.
He seemed to think it was a good idea as they may need a little help moving their speech along. He said he wasn't worried about any social issues with David as he clearly understood what was going on and had a "sparkle in his eye." Yeah, that's my boy.
I'm hoping we can get a tree this weekend as well. We shall see.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Blog Header
Ok, so the blog header. It's a work in progress, that is all I can really say about that. I don't have short hair and obviously don't have boy/girl twins, but that was the closest I could come to anyone who looked like me. The expression on her face fit, so that was that.
I am such a ditz. I left my contacs in for 2 days. (they are daily wear contacs) Last night, my eyes were really hurting and this morning, I was convinced I had pink eye. It just never dawned on me that I would do something like that. My eyes hurt quite a bit now, so hopefully I haven't done irreparable damage to my eyes.
I am reading "Mother Warriors" by Jenny McCarthy and so far, liking it very much.
I am such a ditz. I left my contacs in for 2 days. (they are daily wear contacs) Last night, my eyes were really hurting and this morning, I was convinced I had pink eye. It just never dawned on me that I would do something like that. My eyes hurt quite a bit now, so hopefully I haven't done irreparable damage to my eyes.
I am reading "Mother Warriors" by Jenny McCarthy and so far, liking it very much.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Love My Kiddles
Ask me how much I love this pic. William loves baby dolls. He carries them around, attempts to feed them and pushes them in the stroller. Today, he pushed David around in the doll stroller, much to David's delight. Well, until he attempted to strap David in, then things got ugly.

David loves to smile. When he's not whining, that is. I'm sorry I didn't know you wanted to watch Dora vs. the Wiggles this afternoon. I wish you had the words to tell me this so we didn't have to spend a half hour trying to figure out why you were tantruming. Those words are coming, I know they are.

And Sofia, a.k.a. Little Tyrant. You are certainly a handful these days, asserting independence, testing boundaries and acting out all over the place. When you are not doing these things, you are a joy, a delight. I love it when I hear the sound of you sucking your fingers when you are cozied up next to me. I love it when I ask you to help me with the boys and you say "Sure!" I love it when you say "Sssshhh! My babies are sleeping! You need to be quiet!" I love it when you sneeze and ask me for a "Kleen-ik."

My crazy kids. I look forward to the days when they are putting on shows for Steve and I. I know those days are coming.
David loves to smile. When he's not whining, that is. I'm sorry I didn't know you wanted to watch Dora vs. the Wiggles this afternoon. I wish you had the words to tell me this so we didn't have to spend a half hour trying to figure out why you were tantruming. Those words are coming, I know they are.
And Sofia, a.k.a. Little Tyrant. You are certainly a handful these days, asserting independence, testing boundaries and acting out all over the place. When you are not doing these things, you are a joy, a delight. I love it when I hear the sound of you sucking your fingers when you are cozied up next to me. I love it when I ask you to help me with the boys and you say "Sure!" I love it when you say "Sssshhh! My babies are sleeping! You need to be quiet!" I love it when you sneeze and ask me for a "Kleen-ik."
My crazy kids. I look forward to the days when they are putting on shows for Steve and I. I know those days are coming.
Day Off Activities - Dec. 4
Today has been spent catching up on stuff. Cleaning lady came yesterday so didn't have to spend most of my day doing that. Loving that. I figure, while I still have a job, I'll enjoy it, but with the job situation tenuous at best, it could all come crashing to a halt unexpectedly. In the meantime, I don't have to clean my toilet.
I was supposed to go to a holiday social sponsored by my mother's club this morning, but my 10 a.m., I realized that the fact that it was during the boys' nap was not something I would be able to work around. They needed a nap and they needed it pronto. Plus, I looked at the list of attendees and being new to the area, didn't see any of the few names I might recognize. So, I bailed.
It's a good thing I did. The boys were crank-monsters this morning. I think David (in particular) is having a lot of difficulty with his inability to communicate. He is starting to tantrum when he wants something and I can't understand. I feel so bad, just begging him to speak the words, but he doesn't seem to be able to.
The are just waking from a marathon 3.5 hr nap, so they must have been way sleep deprived. While they were down, I did 3 loads of laundry, folded, put away, pruned through Sofia's clothes and got her summer clothes out of the drawers so she would stop trying to wear them, wrapped 21 Christmas presents (no lie) made lunch and got some mystery spots out of my carpet.
Time to go get the nuggets up from their nap.
I was supposed to go to a holiday social sponsored by my mother's club this morning, but my 10 a.m., I realized that the fact that it was during the boys' nap was not something I would be able to work around. They needed a nap and they needed it pronto. Plus, I looked at the list of attendees and being new to the area, didn't see any of the few names I might recognize. So, I bailed.
It's a good thing I did. The boys were crank-monsters this morning. I think David (in particular) is having a lot of difficulty with his inability to communicate. He is starting to tantrum when he wants something and I can't understand. I feel so bad, just begging him to speak the words, but he doesn't seem to be able to.
The are just waking from a marathon 3.5 hr nap, so they must have been way sleep deprived. While they were down, I did 3 loads of laundry, folded, put away, pruned through Sofia's clothes and got her summer clothes out of the drawers so she would stop trying to wear them, wrapped 21 Christmas presents (no lie) made lunch and got some mystery spots out of my carpet.
Time to go get the nuggets up from their nap.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Note to Self
Ok. Note to self. Always ask 3 yr old if she needs to use the potty before getting in the check out line at the grocery store.
For some reason that escapes me, there were only 2 checkers open, each with a line of 10 people. As we finally reached the conveyer belt and I began to load my groceries, Sofia announced "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" A few of the people surrounding us giggled.
"Do you think you can hold it, sweetie?" I asked.
She shook her head violently, so I knew the clock was ticking.
I made the whole day of the people behind us by taking us out of the line (full cart and all) and scurrying to the back of the store where I fortunately knew was the location of the one, pretty skanky, public bathroom.
After we returned to the line, I ran into a woman I'd attended a playgroup with. She was with her one little boy, same age as my twins. We exchanged pleasantries and talked about the holiday social that we're both attending tomorrow for our mother's club. The whole time we talked, I was wishing I could remember her name. She's extremely cool, a filmaker, I believe, who relocated here from L.A.
As I checked out & paid, I could not help but notice her items on the conveyer belt; wine, rum, cookies, bananas and bread.
Yeah, I remember (vaguely) what it was like to have one kid.
For some reason that escapes me, there were only 2 checkers open, each with a line of 10 people. As we finally reached the conveyer belt and I began to load my groceries, Sofia announced "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" A few of the people surrounding us giggled.
"Do you think you can hold it, sweetie?" I asked.
She shook her head violently, so I knew the clock was ticking.
I made the whole day of the people behind us by taking us out of the line (full cart and all) and scurrying to the back of the store where I fortunately knew was the location of the one, pretty skanky, public bathroom.
After we returned to the line, I ran into a woman I'd attended a playgroup with. She was with her one little boy, same age as my twins. We exchanged pleasantries and talked about the holiday social that we're both attending tomorrow for our mother's club. The whole time we talked, I was wishing I could remember her name. She's extremely cool, a filmaker, I believe, who relocated here from L.A.
As I checked out & paid, I could not help but notice her items on the conveyer belt; wine, rum, cookies, bananas and bread.
Yeah, I remember (vaguely) what it was like to have one kid.
Not Sure What to Think
No Visit from the Powers That Be. Not sure how to feel about that. Maybe he will come tomorrow? On my day off. Perfect!
Our office is absolutely the lowest overhead in the system. No bells and whistles here, that's for sure. Still...
I went to see the finished product that is our house this afternoon. It's been in the process of being fixed up to lease. It looks so cute, can't wait to take some photos. I hope to god it rents quickly. We've had several inquiries from "friends of friends" but we'll see if any of that pans out. The rental market has been hot, but heading into the holidays? Not good timing, to say the least. I am not going to lie, I got a little wistful while walking through. Lots of memories there. Still, if I could let go of the house I grew up in, I can definitely let go of a house I lived in for 5 years. Plus, as cute as it is, it doesn't have a 3rd bedroom or a family room, so the new house trounces it with practicality.
Finished up some Xmas shopping online this afternoon. Babycenter was having a great sale, free shipping on orders over $49 and also found a promo code. I'm all about the promo codes. :) Got the boys some puzzles, trucks and PJ's. I think I'm done now. I still have to buy for my brother and sister in law, but that's always pretty easy.
Our office is absolutely the lowest overhead in the system. No bells and whistles here, that's for sure. Still...
I went to see the finished product that is our house this afternoon. It's been in the process of being fixed up to lease. It looks so cute, can't wait to take some photos. I hope to god it rents quickly. We've had several inquiries from "friends of friends" but we'll see if any of that pans out. The rental market has been hot, but heading into the holidays? Not good timing, to say the least. I am not going to lie, I got a little wistful while walking through. Lots of memories there. Still, if I could let go of the house I grew up in, I can definitely let go of a house I lived in for 5 years. Plus, as cute as it is, it doesn't have a 3rd bedroom or a family room, so the new house trounces it with practicality.
Finished up some Xmas shopping online this afternoon. Babycenter was having a great sale, free shipping on orders over $49 and also found a promo code. I'm all about the promo codes. :) Got the boys some puzzles, trucks and PJ's. I think I'm done now. I still have to buy for my brother and sister in law, but that's always pretty easy.
Ho, Ho, Ho
So the owner of my company is going around to the offices, personally talking about cutbacks. This time, they're talking about compensation cutbacks. Yikes. If they cut my salary back, my whole paycheck will go to daycare and I'll have to seriously revisit the WOHM thing. Not to put the cart before the horse, but I've got a serious queasiness going on in my tummy right now. I had considered the prospect of them closing my office, but not salary cuts. Merry freakin' Christmas.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Not No Way, Not No How
So apparently, the prospect of strawberry milkshake for breakfast was enough to keep the Fee Fi Fo Monster at bay...for now.
Ok, so I had an epiphany.
Since I had the boys, after the bout with pneumonia when I lost 30 lbs in a few weeks, I have gained about 40 lbs. I could not afford to gain 40 lbs - not no way, not no how - and I'm currently larger than I have ever been.
It's really affecting me, in every way imaginable, from getting breathless to being tired to clothes not fitting to feeling bloated. I could go on. I don't like to shop at Lane Bryant. I used to shop at Ann Taylor and the Gap and all the fun stores. With few exceptions, most of the plus size clothes are just hideous. I hate getting dressed in the morning. I don't recognize my reflection. I've stopped even trying to suck in my perma-twin-skin.
Honestly, I really didn't drastically change my eating habits. I am definitely more sedentary now, but not any more than when I was pregnant with the twins and even then, I gained 25 lbs over time. So, it finally clicked that it might be the Zoloft. Bingo. I'm not sure why that didn't occur to me before? I've taken other SSRI's with the same result (though not this much). It all makes sense as I started on 50 mg when I had the boys and it was only when I increased it to 100 mg late last year that I saw my weight start to balloon.
Long story short, I am now in the process of attempting to wean off of it. It's a slow process, cutting the dose in half, then a quarter, etc.
I just can't live a day longer feeling this way, not no way, not no how! I'm nervous about the med change, but I think it's time to move on and shed the darkness of 2007 like an old, shriveled skin.
(Despite my $hit talking about Lane Bryant, I did visit their local store today and picked up a few things. Imagine my surprise when I saw this banner ad on Facebook, featuring one of the blouses I picked up!)
Ok, so I had an epiphany.
Since I had the boys, after the bout with pneumonia when I lost 30 lbs in a few weeks, I have gained about 40 lbs. I could not afford to gain 40 lbs - not no way, not no how - and I'm currently larger than I have ever been.
It's really affecting me, in every way imaginable, from getting breathless to being tired to clothes not fitting to feeling bloated. I could go on. I don't like to shop at Lane Bryant. I used to shop at Ann Taylor and the Gap and all the fun stores. With few exceptions, most of the plus size clothes are just hideous. I hate getting dressed in the morning. I don't recognize my reflection. I've stopped even trying to suck in my perma-twin-skin.
Honestly, I really didn't drastically change my eating habits. I am definitely more sedentary now, but not any more than when I was pregnant with the twins and even then, I gained 25 lbs over time. So, it finally clicked that it might be the Zoloft. Bingo. I'm not sure why that didn't occur to me before? I've taken other SSRI's with the same result (though not this much). It all makes sense as I started on 50 mg when I had the boys and it was only when I increased it to 100 mg late last year that I saw my weight start to balloon.
Long story short, I am now in the process of attempting to wean off of it. It's a slow process, cutting the dose in half, then a quarter, etc.
I just can't live a day longer feeling this way, not no way, not no how! I'm nervous about the med change, but I think it's time to move on and shed the darkness of 2007 like an old, shriveled skin.
(Despite my $hit talking about Lane Bryant, I did visit their local store today and picked up a few things. Imagine my surprise when I saw this banner ad on Facebook, featuring one of the blouses I picked up!)
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