Project Runway tonight. Woo hoo! I am starting to think that Leanne may win. I sort of want Korto to win, but dunno, they have really been liking Leanne's simple elegance and she may.just.sneak.in.under.the.radar.
How sad that my days are highlighted by my favorite shows. Sad, but true.
Sunday - Mad Men, Charm School 2 (haven't started watching yet!)
Monday -- Dancing with the Stars, The Hills
Tuesday -- DWTS again, Frontline
Wednesday -- Project Runway (almost over), The Island
Thursday -- The Office, 30 Rock
Friday -- Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) What will I do when my free HBO goes away?
Saturday -- Saturday Night Live (watched on Sunday via DVR, I do *not* stay up that late )
I also DVR the View every day, watch when I have time or there's someone interesting on...
DVR Conan and Jimmy Kimmel, Oprah, skim through to make sure I don't miss someone interesting...
Watch Hannity and Combes, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Obermann pretty much every day (as I cook dinner, do baths, etc.)
I think that's it! Talk about TMI!
And yes, I know, I watch too much TV! (If you're thinking "when does she find time?" I would just say that everything is DVR'ed and watched when I have a moment. I don't always watch things the day they are on. The boys are asleep by 7 p.m., Sofia by 8...)
I am glad to know someone else who shares my TV addiction.
My DVR consantly gets full, and I am always trying to find time to watch it.
I giggled a little when you mentioned that you watched The Island. This show has me riveted (I guess I'll always be an MTV kid). Steve rolls his eyes when he sees me watching that show.
Oh, and I should mention that I cheat too... if I have an hour to kill during work, I may watch TV online!! Right now I am watching the DWTS elimination from Tues. lol.
Ok, the Island. So what will be the twist? I despise Johnny, was so bummed that he got his key back.
I too love TV. I'm glad to know I'm not alone!
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