So I'm here, in Austin. It's much greener than I expected and lots of rolling hills, also unexpected. I'm going on 3 hours sleep and it's been a long day, but it's been awesome catching up with my friend. Seeing the girls together has been incredibly fun, it's like the last 6 months didn't even happen, they are thick as thieves again.
Sofia had a Stage 5 meltdown at the airport this morning. (I had to wake her up at 3:30 a.m. to leave for the airport - for future reference, not a good idea at all). It was right before boarding the plane, so the entire airport watched her have a tantrum, my dragging her off to a corner so I could attempt to regain control of the situation, etc. This was no ordinary tantrum, this was DEFCON 5 level, crawling on the ground, going limp, body stiffening, shreaking, sobbing, hitting, screaming tantrum. I was near tears myself as I literally was not able to control her and she was lashing out. I knew it was from sheer exhaustion, but all the people staring at me didn't know that. All of a sudden, I was the parent of *that* kid and it was not a good feeling. I was hoping she would sleep on the plane...she didn't. So all day, she was on the verge of - for lack of a better term - manic behavior.
Her and her BFF are now sleeping together, like two peas in a pod. I'm hoping tomorrow I will get my sweet girl back.
how cute that they are sleeping together. sorry about the meltdown. travelling is tough, you never know what you are going to get! have fun!!!
Just what you needed, right? oh vey.... I hope things are better today. Austin is a beautiful city.
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