Friday, October 3, 2008

A Good Coiff Goes a Long Way

At the risk of getting all Political and whatnot (for the record, I'm a HDWPOVO - Hillary Democrat Who Plans On Voting Obama), I will just say a few words about the debate. I should also preface this by saying I am married to a card carrying, proud conservative, god love him. Palin is his *girl*

I thought Miss. P. did what she needed to do and that exceeded expectations, I suppose. As a woman, I didn't necessarily want to see her get slaughtered. Of course, she completely avoided many questions or details of substance and resorted to hokey, rehearsed, beauty pageant speak that no doubt appeals to many, but irritated the F&*K out of me. I guess the whole point of this debate was not for her to wow us with her mad debate skills, but to show us she could sort of hold her own. I...guess she did that. She was feisty, but I don't think it's "ok" to just blatantly not answer the question in a debate format, but hey, her hair looked borderline amazing. If the contest was based solely on hair, she would have won it, hands down.

OTOH, Joe certainly did what he needed to do, but yeesh, BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINNNNNNNNG. He just looked like one, big, grey splotch on the screen. He definitely knows his stuff, but he just didn't do much for me.

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