Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wheezing and pooping and puke, oh my!

File last night under "You know you're a mother when..."

Had to take David to the ER at 1 a.m. - fun, fun, fun. He was in quite a bit of distress w/his breathing and cried - screamed, really - for 45 minutes straight, inconsolable. I didn't know what else to do as the neb treatment didn't seem to help.

We walk in the double doors of the ER, every single person's eyes are on us and at that exact moment, David puked all over me, the floor, himself, etc. It was quite a sight. Obviously, they took us right away. It was actually pretty quiet, I don't think there were many people there at all.

Fast forward another neb treatment and some prednisolone and we were out of there an hour later, David blowing kisses to everyone and waving goodbye. He was flirting with the nurses and respiratory therapist.

Finally got to bed and was woken up at 7 a.m., Sofia literally standing in my face. "Mommy," she said, "I have a poopy in my pj's"

Oh did she. Poop all over herself, her legs, her pj's. It was vile. I usually like to have my coffee before dealing with record blow outs but alas, that is how my day started.

Steve is playing a gig tonight, so I'm praying tonight will not be nearly as eventful.

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