This photo was taken at Sofia's preschool on Friday. They had a little "soda party" for the dads, which I thought was cute. I honestly could look at it forever. A few people have recently said to Steve that looking at Sofia is like looking at him, the female version. I think this picture is a vivid example of that.
I know I rag on poor Steve quite a bit. He procrastinates, he never does anything until I tell/ask him to, he sometimes isn't as helpful as he could be during challenging times with the kids, etc. but I have to say - he is an amazing father. Ingrained in him from his strong Irish/Jesuit roots is a deep sense of right and wrong. With Steve, there are no shades of grey. With some things, this can be a source of debate. With parenting, it just works. Much like myself, he thrives on routine, sameness, schedules, consistency. We are so different in many ways, but in this way, this core part of us is the exact same. Home, family, security, stability - that's what life is about for us. While others are off exploring the world, we are entrenched at home, enjoying the peace. I think it is what drew us to each other. That and the lack of an immediate family and the desire to create one.
I love him for being the living incarnation of the grown-up-boy-next-door. I love him for getting up and making my coffee just when I need it most. Or showing up with Starbucks on a whim (notice a trend, here?) I love him for sleeping on the couch for almost 3 months last summer while I recovered from pneumonia, handling all night wakings for the twins. This is a man who was a bachelor until he was 43, but instilled deep within him was the desire for a family of his own. He lost both his parents years ago, but their legacy of hard work, family and the importance of love and humor in your life is something he has carried with him always.
Happy Father's Day, Steve. I love you, we love you and look forward to many more years of this crazy journey we're sharing together.
And on a lighter note...
Sofia asked him today why his "Hair is upside down." (I'm assuming she meant because it was sticking straight up, thanks to a bad haircut he got last week) She said he looked like a "big rooster."
Touche, my child, touche.
1 comment:
very touching....
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