Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Climate Best by Government Test

I don't like heat.
I am half Italian and half Irish, but for the most part have inherited the Irish genetic makeup. My skin is a combination of pasty, pink and freckled (which I tend to conceal with self tanner on occasion), my cheeks flush at the first sign of heat or humidity and I tend to sweat a lot. Lovely. In fact, I have terrible memories of 8th grade PE when I'd return from running laps and all my classmates would marvel at how red my cheeks were. They would stay that way for the entire period of social studies and it was quite traumatizing.

I'd like to say it's pretty darn hot here this week. In the 90's. We re spoiled in this area weather wise with the summer average being maybe just under 80 - in other words, perfect. This is an area with pretty temperate weather year round. A local slogan is "Climate best by government test" which says it all. When it rises to the 90's, I become a very cranky mommy. Since this is a rarity, most homes here are not equipped with air conditioning. It's quite miserable. We manage to get by with fans and keeping the house closed up all day (typically cools by evening when that ocean breeze and fog - 8 miles away - kicks in, but in the meantime, ay-yi-yi).

Chasing after kids in 90 degree heat with no a/c is torturous for me. And it's hard for me to clean under these circumstances. It's all I can manage after a long day of work (where there is mercifully some a/c) to wash dishes and bottles, throw in some laundry, sweep the kitchen floor (mop if I'm feeling particularly ambitious) and tidy up some toys before either surfing the web or watching a little mindless television and hitting the hay.

I know I can't really complain as the East coast is in the midst of a nasty heat wave, humidity and all, but at least most of them have a/c. I can't even imagine what that would be like without a/c. My cheeks flush just thinking about it.

We have a few events this weekend so I'm hoping it's not hot as Hades. I'm ready for some 75 degree weather, now, oh weather Gods.

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