It started with Sofia's preschool Halloween parade. Every year, the whole school parades down the local downtown area and the local businesses dole out candy. It's always rather hectic, but fun. We brought the brothers this year as they are sort of honorary members of the school. (or mascots)
Before we left, I tried and tried to get a good shot of Sofia with the boys or even Sofia alone, but it just wasn't in the cards. She had a baby doll with her and absolutely refused to take the doll out of the frame. When I expressed my displeasure with this, I got the evil eye. (note the doll dressed in her shorts and a pair of panties. I think it's time for this girl to have some doll clothes).
I did eventually get a few good shots from her.
We eventually made it to the school and the boys waited excitedly for the parade to start
Sofia and her class get ready to leave (next to her friend, another Sofia, another Minnie)
The boys learning the ins and outs of trick or treating
Checking out their loot
Saturday night, kids bouncing off the walls waiting to trick or treat. It was 5 p.m. and they were ready to go. David kept saying "Go! Mommy! Go!" We finally left, not really knowing what to expect. We hadn't trick or treated much last year as the kids were still very small. Wow. THis is a great neighborhood for trick or treating, that is for CERTAIN. It makes me a little sad to think that we may not stay here as it's really a great, family friendly place. We met many neighbors that I'd not had the opportunity to meet before. Oh, the irony.
One bump in the road was a man dressed up as a wolf. Sofia was convinced that this man was real. She was borderline hysterical, insisting that we go in the opposite direction of this man. At one point, she was trying to hide in the bushes.
We did make it through that scene and the kids started to really enjoy going from house to house. Sure, the candy was fun, but I think they just really liked the idea of going up to strange houses and seeing who or what was inside.
At one point, we came upon a very cool, haunted house. The kids weren't quite what to make of these
All in all, it was a lot of fun. The neighborhood was bustling, there were so many kids, so much Halloween spirit. I haven't experienced a Halloween like it in many, many years. We returned home and waited for kids to come to our door, but most had already come. Our next door neighboor said he'd had oodles of kids, but we'd been out during that time. The kids were able to answer the door and give out some candy, so that made their whole day.
As they went to bed, I asked David if he liked trick or treating. His eyes got huge. "I WIKE IT!"
Today was pretty relaxed, as relaxing as 3 kids can get. In the late afternoon, we headed over to a local seaside restaurant for a mother's club event. They were playing a movie on the lawn below the restaurant (right on the beach) for us. We were able to order food from the to-go menu and just hang out and let the kids play. It was hectic, as outings always are, but still fun.
At one point, I had a terrible scare. Steve had brought the food to me and I was busy doling it out while he was taking Sofia to the restroom. I look up and David is gone. GONE. I see him halfway up the huge staircase, leading up to the restaurant and parking lot. I am there alone with William. I had no choice but to bolt up, leaving William behind (in a crowd of people I know) to grab David as Steve was nowhere to be found. I ran up the stairs after him and he began to think it was a game and ran faster, towards the parking lot and highway beyond that.
I don't think I have ever run as fast as I did. I grabbed him as he laughed.
I was shaking.
Meanwhile, William completely freaked and ran after me up the stairs. He was in hysterics and everyone was trying to figure out who he belonged to. It was pretty dramatic.
I was ready to kill Steve, even though it wasn't really his fault.
It took me a while to stop shaking after that.
Sofia was able to play with her little friend and they had a great time, so it ended up being a fun night.
The best part was the end when all the kids were doing their dance moves.
This week, I should have some definitive answers about our living situation. Of course, I thought I'd have those last week, so who knows. I'm trying to stay positive and take it as it comes. Not like I have a any control over the situation anyway.
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