So, we have an official 2 word sentence.
"Fix it!' (FICK IT!) William exclaims "FICK IT, FICK IT!" when a show ends and he wants me to get the clicker and start it over. More often than not, it's Yo Gabba Gabba. It is honest to god, the only show my boys will watch and I am ALL OVER that.
This is a momentous day! 26.5 months old, first 2 word combo. We are making progress. A tip of the hat to you, Yo Gabba Gabba.
That is EXACTLY how L says "Fix it!" Yay William!!!
I would so much rather hear "Fick it! Fick it!" than the grunting and pointing my little Milla does when a tv show is over. The grunting and pointing wouldn't be so bad except the same grunts are used to identify so many things....how is one to distinguish one thing from another?
Congratulations!!! Isn't it wonderful when they start to say things we can actually understand?
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