The boys had their 18 mo well visit today. David is a whopping - drumroll, please!...Twenty pounds, twelve ounces. I call this the peanut percentile, made all the more ironic because of his peanut allergy!!
The doctor didn't seem concerned with David being in the peanut percentile, assured me he's following a curve, this doesn't mean he'll always be small, yada yada. Pretty much what I expected. We will continue to offer him healthy options for food, at least 10 times before giving up on any one food. I am ok with that, but something tells me that David will reject broccoli forever, no matter how much butter and cheese I pile on it. Time will tell.
William is about twenty four pounds, so still not a big boy, but closer to average than his bro. It's so funny because he does look like a tank, with his square build, stocky, muscular little legs and of course, the huge *noggin* (which he has fortunately grown in to). Doctor Brock (as Sofia affectionately refers to him) was reassured that the boys are starting to use *some* words as they should have 10-20 at 18 months. The plan is to wait 3 months and see if their speech continues to blossom, explode, etc. If it does, great. If not, then we'll have them evaluated. I'm pretty optimistic about it as after one week, they seem to be learning and expressing more words every day. Most of the words are still right out of the Paleolithic era, but we're making progress.
Just this morning, William said "N-uhhhh Mahhhh" (No, MA!) and as we were walking to the doc office (I was carrying D and was several feet behind Steve carrying William), David pointed to W and said "buuhhdthuh" (brother! - My heart went gooey and oozed all over the sidewalk right there in the middle of a busy San Francisco street) As we left Doctor Brock's office, David waved and also said "buh buh" (bye bye). I beamed.
1 comment:
I'm with you - I have a 25lb 2 year old. He is also a caveman, so I loved your picture!
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