A rough morning...This post is for anyone who foolishly thinks I have it "all together" --
The morning started with William screaming for no discernable reason, then my attempt to get him changed and dressed, discovering he was soaked to the gills because Daddy hadn't put his overnight dipe on last night. GRRRRRRR. As I'm doing this, Sofia is simultaneously clinging to my leg, whining for me to find her Barney Christmas DVD. (This is her favorite thing to watch, no matter how many times we try to hide it and hope she forgets about it, she just keeps on asking for it.) Somehow, I manage to get David changed and dressed (he's also soaked) and move the troops out.
We finally all made it to the living room, where Sofia demands to sit on my lap, which sends David into a frenzy of jealousy. He proceeds to dramatically throw himself on the floor, face down, crying and scoot backwards, angrily. When I say "Come to Mama, David," he gets more enraged. It would be funny if it weren't so frustrating.
I finally put Sofia down (whining ensued, natch) to go rescue David, then attempted to hold both of them, which was entirely possible, were it not for David wanting NO part of that. He wanted me all to himself and wasn't afraid to show it. Unfortunately, so did Sofia. It was only the mention of French Toast Sticks that ultimately got Sofia off my lap and everyone into the kitchen.
And where was my DEAR husband during all this, you may wonder? Oh, sleeping. Yeah, sleeping. Standard. In his defense, he handles the bedtime stuff. That's our deal. If I have to handle the waking, he does the putting to sleep.
After breakfast, the boys then figure out how to climb up onto Sofia's toddler bed (David first, then William copies him), then stand up!! So there they are, standing on the bed while I'm attempting to find the $50 temporal thermometer I just bought (William felt warm). Naturally, David falls off, but surprisingly is no worse for the wear and laughs it off, gets right back up.
Once the boys are gone with Steve, it's time to get Sofia ready for school which resulted in yet another no holds barred tantrum with Sofia. She didn't want to get her jacket on and after a huge struggle that involved my attempts at humor, distraction and bribery in no particular order. ended up with her in time out and in tears, myself close to tears. I tell you, I don't know how much more of this I can take.
I know it's rough for Sofia - going through this transition with the twins being more mobile and turning into little people - but I'm almost at the end of my rope. Time outs don't seem to be working at all. I need some advice, book or technique recommendations, some tips from anyone who has BTDT in a similar situation and lived to tell about it. The first 3 months will all 3 was probably the hardest time I've ever gone through and this is nowhere near that level, but lately, life's been a little more stressful than I would like. This is really, really, hard.
I do have all 3 kids tomorrow, so that should be fun (yeah, that's sarcasm). Maybe having Sofia home will help, maybe she is missing me, maybe it'll make things worse as all 3 fight for my attention, I am just so clueless at this point. I am going to try and focus on some PTing tomorrow, since we'll be homebound. I do have a playgroup for twins I'm supposed to go to in the late afternoon, hopefully Steve will be home in time for me to go.
I have mornings like that too..argghh! Oh well, never a dull moment, right? How we long for the dull moments.
Hugs on the rough morning. I hope it's just a transition time and things get better soon. Wake-up your husband when it's like that. I wake up mine day, night or morning, no qualms. They're his kids too! :)
You are so correct, Dorota. So correct. Unfortunately, a lot of the time -- they only want me. It's cute at times, but not in those situations, IFYWIM.
Ah, Melissa! {{{hugs}}} I am so not looking forward to this stage with the twins and Connor. Luckily for me all he wants to do right now is help me with them (help feed them, play with them etc). But I know there will come a time when they are getting my attention and he's not going to like it. :sigh: Hang in there.
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