Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Guilty Pleasures

Ok, so a little tv talk to start the week.

I watched Jon and Kate a bunch last night. God, I love that show. She absolutely inspires me.
I could not believe how she flew with all the kids to Utah. WOW. Just the thought! Then again, they didn't bring carseats and had a passenger van with carseats installed already waiting for them on the other side, so that's a huge deal. Probably a perk of being who they are. If I had that sort of service while traveling, I'd definitely fly with all 3. I guess it could be arranged for the right price. Still, carseats aside, it was a major undertaking!! That woman is so organized and really holds it together, considering the stress level and planning involved. She's a rock star.

I love how she insists on making sure the kids have fun life experiences, no matter how difficult or frustrating it is for her and her DH. She said the reason she is like that is because she never had fun experiences as a child and the reason DH is like that is because he did - I could really relate to that.

They also showed them going to their church - which they rarely talk about, but I know is a large part of their life.

I could learn a thing or two about running a tight ship. Kate is so in control with the kids - some would say too much -- but I tell ya, the way Sofia has been running us ragged, throwing tantrums if everything isn't exactly to her liking and just generally becoming uber high maintenance - I'm thinking I could use a little Kate Gosselin Mojo to reign her in. I'd love to know how the twins were when the sextuplets were born, how she handled jealousy issues. I'd love to pick her brain!

Oh and the season finale of The Office! Brilliant, just brilliant! Best show on tv. (sell, scripted, that is)

Very excited for finale of Lost this week. I have been spending a little time trolling my old Lost boards, seeing what all the smarty pants super geeks are theorizing this week. Most of the time, I come away thinking they have too much time on their hands, but sometimes there is a little gem of info in there.

1 comment:

The GCLA said...


Kate Gosselin is NOT a good Christian woman. She USES church, religion and GOOD Church People to get things.
She turned her back on her minister father and his church cause his church didnt buy them matching cribs and new clothes.
She talked bad about everyone at his church.

Kate is all about the money.