Monday, April 21, 2008

Not a Shy Bone in Her Body

Oh dear God. Has it been one month since I posted? That just can't be.

It's been so hectic. I have been sorely lacking on the blog front.

Ahhhhh well.

Ok, so funny Sofia story. We went to Starbucks on Saturday morning. This has become our little ritual. We get there around 8:30 a.m. for a little mommy-Sofia bonding time before ballet at 9 a.m.

I sat her down at a table and told her I'd be right back. I proceeded to order our usual. Venti nonfat latte and reduced fat turkey sandwich for me, petite scone and apple juice for her.

When I returned to the table, she had made friends with the two women sitting right behind us. She was batting her eyes and telling them our life story, apparently. They knew her name was Sofia, that she had baby brothers and that her birthday was coming up. I'm surprised she didn't invite them to the party.

So, we go back and forth with them, eating our breakfast and politely chatting. She has them completely engaged, it's really something to see.

As they are leaving, they make a point to stop and say "She is just delightful. She has quite a command of the English language for a 2 year old."

"Ohhh" I laughed, "Actually, she's almost 3."

"We know," they said. "She told us she is '2.5 but going to be 3 next week.'"

Alrighty then.

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