The boys are doing great. They are still sleeping in my bedroom, but we have plans to get them sleeping in the nursery within the next month or so. We recently moved Sofia out of her crib into her big girl bed and *fingers crossed* she's been doing great with the transition. She's giving us a run for our money in every other area, but the bed we're good on. There isn't a blog long enough (and I know you don't have time to listen) to discuss how difficult our little tyrannical almost-3-year-old going-on-12-year-old has been lately, so I'll save that topic for another day.
The boys are 100% on table food, wanting nothing to do with purees. William continues to be a Level 5 Chow Hound and looks like David is going to be the finicky one (that's Steve's side). David prefers anything carb related, be that crackers, cheerios, bread, pasta, pancakes, etc. He spits out most vegetables (again, Steve's side) and is particularly fond of a new addition to his diet, goldfish crackers. William will literally eat anything you place in front of him and practically lick his fingers and the tray clean. And hey, if some kleenex or a napkin happens to make it into his hands, he'll eat that too.
William continues to be *passionate* about everything (that's probably my side) and David seems like he's going to be the analytical one (again, probably my side). You can see the little wheels turning in his head. They are both so different than Sofia in that they are all boy. I just put them down and let them loose and they're content to bang toys together, chase a ball or even play with puzzles. Oh yes, they are also quite drawn to playing with the VCR, which Steve just loves.
William continues to commando crawl, but has started traditional crawling as well. Him and David stand and cruise a bit and most likely will be taking some steps soon. They both say a lot of "ba-ba, ma-ma and da-da's" and sometimes, I think they are using them intentionally. They are overall happy, fun, easy babies who are a joy to be around. Looking back at the "pit of hell" that was last spring, I never thought I'd be saying that. I really, really didn't.
What a difference a year makes.
Due to the fact that we are all sick at the moment, we're going to celebrate in some small way for the boy's birthday. We'll have the big celebration in April when we have the 3 for the price of 1 Birthday party for all the kids (which I hope to see some of you at). On Saturday, we'll probably do a cupcake for each boy and singing, etc. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.
Speaking of pictures, here are a few recent shots of the the dynamic duo.
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