I have found that balancing work and parenting to be incredibly challenging. The kids have been sick pretty much off and on since September, so it's been a bit bumpy, but I finally feel like I have gotten my bearings.
As the boys approach their first birthday, I am continuously amazed at their development and burgeoning personalities. Both boys are crawling, both are voraciously eating table food and both are fabulous sleepers (thank god). They pull themselves up on anything they come across and are starting to seem to enjoy each other's company (as opposed to the mild annoyance they seemed to show each other for many months). I call them the anti-twins because people constantly are asking if they are twins. I hear people whispering when we are out. Are they twins? Are they brothers? Is she the nanny? People are really confused.
David is extremely observant and seems to always be thinking. He has to check out what the jar looks like before I feed him. He will spit out certain foods if he doesn't like their texture (avocado, banana) and is quite the lover of anything carb related. His favorites, pancakes and cheerios. When he eats, he's very measured and patiently nibbles on his food, doesn't make a huge mess.
William on the other hand...Since the moment he was born, he was passionate about everything and that includes eating. He inhales anything that you put in front of him, practically licking his fingers when done and squeeling for more. That boy is a CHOWHOUND. It's not a true meal unless there is food everywhere; all over his face, bib, clothes, the floor, in his hair...Suffice it to say, we're doing a lot of baths lately.
I love to watch them explore and play with their big sister. It honestly feels like I've lived 10 lifetimes in this past year, no exaggeration. Last spring is a blur to me. I'm so happy to have made it through and look forward to celebrating my boys turning one soon! Some pics...
David showing off his new teeth.
Sofia having fun at the park.
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