I had plans for Sofia being Dora the Explorer for Halloween. I had it lined up in my head for weeks. She already had the backpack, throw on some orange shorts, somehow get my hands on "Boots" and it was a done deal. Then, I spotted the costume I just knew I had to have. Never mind that my child has never seen the movie, nor will be seeing it for many years to come (I shudder at how many nightmares that wicked witch gave me, even at age 8!) I just knew she would make the perfect Dorothy. What was her response when I asked her if she'd like to be Dorothy? Well, "Dorothy the Dinosaur?" of course. Is it selfish of me to dress my daughter up as character that she has no concept of, just for the sake of the "awwww" factor? Mmmm...probably, but damn if she doesn't make for one.adorable.little.dorothy.
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