Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sofia Freestyles
Friday, June 12, 2009
7 Quick Takes Friday - June 12, 2009
1. I have rediscovered the library. I do tend to get a bit ridiculous at the library, checking out so many books, I need a dolly to get them to the car. I exaggerate, but not by much. The irony of it all is that I never have time to read!! I did check out a slew of books for Sofia (I get so bored with the same ones) and a few for myself. A few on parenting, writing memoirs and one on an Ab diet. Well rounded, indeed.
2. The boys are in the midst of a full blown language explosion. It's about 7 months late, but it's here. It dawned on me the other evening while they were all chattering away that pretty soon, I won't be able to get in a word edgewise. Be careful what you wish for, right?
3. I'm knee deep in work AT work and it's seriously cutting into my blogging time. This just won't do. There's some political BS stuff accompanying the additional workload (apparently, someone else wanted the additional workload as the person who proves themselves becomes the golden child in this unstable economy, or that is the perception) and it's making an already sucky job even mores stressful as I feel that I have little support, in fact, there are people waiting for me to F'up.
4. Sofia has seemed to come out from her incredibly unpleasant last few weeks and become much more fun to be around. We'll see how long that lasts.
5. My friend is still at the hospital with her baby and he does seem to be improving. She is taking it one day at a time, but they are telling her he may need a heart transplant down the road. Right now, it's looking like medication and monitoring. My heart goes out to her in a major way as she suffered greatly with infertility and miscarriage before having this second baby. Life is just so f'ing unfair sometimes.
6. I told the mother's club web momma that I may need to give up the web content gig come September, due to the likely move. She was disappointed, but understood and I think they've already found a replacement. I've enjoyed doing the work and have learned a great deal. I have been able to fine tune my writing with a monthly article to the newsletter (about the website) and also being in charge of the home page content. Which brings me to #7...
7. The move back. It's all very bittersweet. I'm trying to think of ways to make 3 kids in one room work, so if anyone out there has any suggestions, I'm all ears. I'm thinking a bunk bed with trundle, Sofia on top, boys on bottom. We have to maximize space, the house is - in case you weren't around for when we lived there - 840 sq ft. That's right. We (the 5 of us) are going to live in a dollhouse. A dollhouse in one of the most expensive areas in the country, but a dollhouse non theless. I've made peace with the inevitable and to be painfully honest, I need to be where it's sunny. And near my friends. And my work. And Target. Not going to lie.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Funny Austin Story - Or the Time I Wished the Pool Drain Would Suck Me Into Oblivion
I don’t think I mentioned something reasonably disturbing and funny that happened when I was in Austin.
While my friend and I were at the pool, my friend’s little girl had an emergency bathroom situation, forcing my friend to leave the pool area in a flash, leaving me with her 1 year old who is going through a fairly consistent separation anxiety phase. While her baby cried for most of the 10 minutes or so that she was gone. I tried to calm her down via various tried and true techniques, finally resorting to feigning excitement over a floating leaf. This quieted her so quickly that all the kids in the kiddie pool area retreated to the bushes to bring her leaf offerings. Of course, the minute she realized she’d been dooped, she proceeded to cry again.
It was at this point that one of the little boys asked me why she was crying. He then asked me the question every 41 year old woman dreads hearing.
“Are you her GRANDMA?”
Gulp. “What? No, I’m just a friend,” I said. Oh dear god.
If that were not excruciatingly painful enough, Sofia scurried over and exclaimed loudly “WHAT? SHE’S NOT HER GRANDMA! SHE’S MY MOMMY!”
It was at that point that I was hoping the pool drain would suck me into oblivion. As if getting into a bathing suit at 200+ lbs in public were not punishment enough.
Oh and it wasn’t over.
When my friend returned, Sofia had to recount – LOUDLY, very LOUDLY – the whole scene again. "
“That boy thought my mommy was Ziva’s GRANDMA!” she laughed, in case any of the hotel’s 300+ guests has missed the news the first 2 times.
My friend laughed and tried to make me feel better about it, quite logically explaining that in Texas, many women do have kids young so maybe his grandmother is very young, yada yada.
Unfortunately, logic and vanity are not necessarily compatible.
Prayers Needed
A very good friend of mine gave birth to her second baby yesterday. The birth went perfectly and he was born a whopping 10 lbs 10 oz. Today, I found out that the baby has been transferred to a NICU at a different hospital as the doctors suspect he has cardiomyopathy. I cannot even begin to imagine the trauma that being separated from him has caused, not to mention the profound concern for his health. I am absolutely heartbroken at this news. There is no clear diagnosis yet, so I am hoping the doctors are wrong. I did just google newborn cardiomyopathy and really, really wish I hadn't.
If you are out there in cyberspace, please say a prayer for my friend and her baby.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Chugga Chugga Shoo Shoo
I decided it was time for the boys to experience the zoo. Judging by how unglued they become even driving by a random dog or horse (we live adjacent to a rural area), I figured they'd enjoy seeing some big game up close and personal.
All in all, it was a perfect day. We saw giraffes, lions, tigers, zebras, monkeys, lizards, snakes, birds and flamingos. We ate iced cream. We rode the merry go round. We took a train ride, felt the perfect 70 degree breeze whipping by us and listened to William exclaim "Shoo Shoo!" (as in Chugga Chugga, Choo Choo) the entire ride. You don't get much better than that.
They even had a little kid ride area, but the boys were too small to ride most of them. The boys got a thrill out of the merry go'round, so it all worked out perfectly. They were all really well behaved (for the most part) and good about being out of the stroller. They didn't bolt like their big sister did at this age. The boys are different. They're very busy and wild, but they like to stay close.
Friday, June 5, 2009

So, we have an official 2 word sentence.
"Fix it!' (FICK IT!) William exclaims "FICK IT, FICK IT!" when a show ends and he wants me to get the clicker and start it over. More often than not, it's Yo Gabba Gabba. It is honest to god, the only show my boys will watch and I am ALL OVER that.
This is a momentous day! 26.5 months old, first 2 word combo. We are making progress. A tip of the hat to you, Yo Gabba Gabba.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Way Back Whensday - Summer 2007

Dateline: Summer 2007
Sofia's age: A little over 2 yrs old
Place: "The Lion Park"
I love this picture of Sofia. She looks so happy, but has a glint of the blossoming devilishness that I have come to know and love (not always, but most of the time.) I'm having a really hard time with her lately. She has just gone off the charts with the sass and willfullness, so it helps for me to look back and remember these less emotional, drama filled days. I love this girl with all my heart and soul, but she brings new meaning to the word "precocious" lately. Payback. Total payback.
Also - regarding the aforementioned preschool teacher with the Playboy shirt? She gave notice today. I was actually a little sad because she brings warmth and laughter to the school and I know Sofia will be devastated, but life goes on, I suppose.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ethel and Winifred
Ethel and Winifred
Back to Reality

So, we are home - happily - back in the fog.
During the plane ride home, the stars aligned and Sofia fell asleep during takeoff and slept like a rock for the.entire.flight. She was sleeping so heavily that I was briefly concerned I'd not be able to roust her and have to carry her through the airport. It did take a good 5 minutes to wake her up, the girl was fried.
Aside from the usual anxiety producing turbulence (I hate flying and it never gets easier for me) it was a delightful flight. I had beverages, snacks, magazines and Direct TV in front of me. I watched the Hills season finale and the MTV Movie Awards while my princess dozed peacefully next to me. You just don't *get* much better than that.
I am now back home, back to the reality. Shortly before I left, my company eliminated a position and I was asked to take on some of the work. I have a meeting this afternoon to go over all of that. It's not going to be fun, this new workload, but obviously, I am going to roll with things because...well...I don't really have a choice right now.
Highlight of the flight back home? In one of the airport stores, checking out, Sofia repeatedly looking up at the magazine rack and saying "Micca has a shirt like that. The bunny shirt. Look. The bunny shirt. Micca has one of those!" (referring to one of her preschool teachers.) I was trying to balance my backpack, wallet, debit card, etc. so was only half listening. She kept tugging on my shirt, insisting I look up. In a very blonde moment, I was literally looking for a magazine with a rabbit on it. I was quite perplexed as to what she was referring to.
Then I saw it. Several rows of the Playboy emblem. Her preschool teacher has a "bunny" shirt. Beautiful.