My 10 days "s
taycation" in a nutshell (in the following order)
- 1 long weekend out of town visiting the IL's
- 4 days of non stop packing and cleaning
- 25 large boxes packed and moved to storage
- 20 bags of garbage for dumping
- 3 piles on the front lawn (storage, garage sale, storage)
- 1 Girl's Night Out with Friends & Vodka (very much needed)
- 1 parade
- 1 4th of July Party with Lots of Food and Kids
- 1 swim lesson
- 1 3rd Birthday Party
I think that about covers it! Honestly, I probably would have preferred to be working in the
office than working my butt off at home. I didn't do
everything I planned on doing, but tried to stick to my list of tasks. Didn't quite get to our bedroom, but that wasn't a huge priority. It was the closets - oh the closets - that I
truly dreaded. I picked out some paint colors and am going to keep at it. I only made a dent (Steve needs to do his part, meaning,
the garage) but you have to start
somewhere. I am enjoying this new feeling of being pared down, knowing where everything is, it's wonderful. I had been hoping to clean the closets for 2 years now. There was always something holding me back. First my father died, then I got pregnant, then I had
3 under 3. At this rate, we are looking at listing the house in the fall. Of course, n
ow I am getting nervous. It dawned on me "
What if the house sells quickly and we have no where to go?" In all my
neurotic scenarios, this is not one that had crossed my mind. I just assumed the house would sit and sit and sit. I guess we'll see. I am going to make sure we're pre-qualified for the price range we need before taking this any further. Our mortgage guy didn't
seem to think it would be an issue, but from what I am hearing in my office, the lenders are being hyper anal about everything, sifting through your finances with a fine tooth comb. Fortunately for me, the bulk of my daycare costs are under the table, so we should look pretty good
on paper. If we can't qualify - with money in the bank, 401k, equity in our home, minimal debt, & 2 stable jobs with modest income, then we're
all going to hell in a handbasket.
Sofia continues to be a
rock star with potty training, she goes on her own and doesn't have any accidents. We have, however, decided to drastically reduce her sugar intake as it's contributing to some serious "acting out" lately. Not the only cause, but definitely helping the situation.
The boys are the living embodiment of "toddlers," toddling to and fro, climbing anything within reach. One not so cute thing is their love of throwing food on the floor. David shoots me a mischevious look while simultaneously lowering his hand in preparation for pelting the food. It's
very irritating, but I realize it's
only a phase, it's only a phase, it's only a phase. The boys are starting to play with each other - rough house - if you will. It's awfully darned cute.
Today is my first day back at work and I'd better get to it.