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Well, it's official. They are "sleeping thru the night" (6 hour stretches) -- I am beside myself with happiness. I honestly didn't think they ever would. I realize how lucky I am for them to be doing this.
I have been reading a lot of Weissbluth, which I used with Sofia, and it seems to be working. Lots of consistent naps during the day, bedtime routine, earlyish bedtime, etc.
I bathe them at feed them, then bathe them and put them down between 7-8 p.m. I do wake them (they don't really wake much) at around 10-10:30 and feed them, then they are sleeping until 4:30 or 5 a.m. I'm really encouraged and hopeful that eventually, they will sleep until 6. As I'll need to get up at 6 when I return to work, this would be fine.
David smiles like crazy. He smiles as if you have just told him the funniest joke he's ever heard, his whole face lights up -- much like Sofia. William makes you work for the smiles, but he's smiling more and more every day.
They had their 2 month appt last week and David weighs 11 lbs -- William weighs 11 lbs 7 oz. They are doing great!!

So as most of you know, I was in the hospital for 10 days with pneumonia and "complicated pleural effusion" - what occurs when too much fluid collects in the pleural space (the space between the two layers of the pleura). I started out at Sequoia and ended up at my hospital in SF. Suffice it to say, it was a horrible and scary ordeal; being that sick, being away from the twins and Sofia, etc. I won't get into huge detail about it here but will just say that I am on the mend. I visited my primary MD last week and while my chest xray is still not normal, it's improving. As most of the specialists had pre warned me and my doctor confirmed, it can take weeks and even months to recover from this - I will most likely have permanent scarring from it.
The first few weeks home were tough as I was still pretty weak, but things are getting progressively better. The boys are officially "sleeping thru the night" (defined as 5-6 hrs of sleep in a row) so we are beside ourself with that development. Steve has been handling the one middle of the night feeding to let me sleep. Yes, he's a ROCK STAR.
As some of you also know, David was admitted to the hospital last week due to a high fever. Because he didn't have his 2 month shots, they had to do a bunch of tests on him to make sure he didn't have a bacterial infection. We had to stay there for 48 hours. Turned out he was fine, so that was a relief. Everyone seems to be on the mend now *knock on wood* and life is settling into a normalcy - or the new normalcy I should say.
I would like to express my gratitude to both of my sister in laws for all the help and support during this scary time. We don't have a whole lot of family, so it was so amazing to have everyone come forth to help us during this time. Aunt Laura watched the twins during the day (even taking them overnight to give Steve a break) and Steve cared for them at night. (Yes, that's right, Steve took care of month old twins!) Aunt Jessica and Uncle Mike took Sofia for a week which helped everyone immensely. Sofia had a blast, but of course, I felt awful and guilty about being away from her. I would also like to give a special thanks to my friend Natalie. She watched both Sofia and the twins multiple times, even taking the twins overnight on 3 separate occasions. I was incredibly touched that she would even offer to do that and am forever indebted to her. Quite frankly, I don't know what I would have done without the help of Laura, Jessica, Natalie and of course, Steve. I am just so fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!